Need to know.

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————————-Tony POV ——————————
Seeing Y/N fall to the ground, I turn off the tv. I run up to her and see if she is ok. I stand her up walk her to the couch as Natasha sits next to me. I think for the last week there she has been acting wired in some ways. I ask Natasha to watch over Y/N. I walk to her room and as I expect, signs of Loki are every where. Now, I don't think she knows golden horns men in books that look like Loki. It's what I fear or even expected. Did she fall for Loki? I sit on her bed and try and think it all out, and soon starts a headache.

The next day I leave Y/N at the house and head to Avengers headquarters. Everyone is there. Everyone is there, that's good, I need to ask for Y/N party and need to ask Thor for a favor. I sit and listen but it's all crap already paying for most of it. Nick ask for the rest to speak up. I go for the main objective of why I even showed up.

I stand and say, "This Saturday is Y/N birthday, and we r throwing her a big birthday party and I want to make sure that all was invited."

  "Of course we will all come, she is a amazing girl, Tony," Steve speaks up.

"Great, I know she will be happy to know you will show."

Natasha steps up, "Yea we will all be there."

"Will there be beer?" Thor joins in.

"Yes," I replied, "All u can drink and eat. By the way, Thor can I talk to you alone?"

"Of course," Thor gets up and we walk to another room.

"What's up Tony?" Thor ask.

"It's about Loki" Tony says with Curiosity.

"Oh boy, no worries Tony, he's locked up in Asgard prisons. He's not getting out anytime soon." Thor says with confidence.

"That's good, Thor, but I'm more curious if he's ever said anything about what Y/N showed him."

Thor looks at Tony confused, "Showed him? What do you mean?" Thor says.

"Y/N has a power to show people people their future. Y/N has a microscopic pice of the tesseract in her heart."

Thor with wide eyes, "That's not good Tony, but no, Loki has not said anything about her."

Tony pats Thor on the back, "Well I need you to find out, and bring him to the party Saturday."

Thor speaks up, "Tony, I can't, My father won't just let me take him out."

Tony looks at him and starts to walk out, "Well find a way, I need to talk with him."

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