The escape. 

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—— - - - - - - - - - - - Asgard - - - - - - - - - -

—————————-Thor POV————————

As the bars disappear Loki looks at Me. "Why are you doing this, Thor" Loki ask.

  "To get you your girl" I says in a upbeat mood.

  "Wait, What?" Loki says in confusion.

"Mother's going to keep father busy for as long as she can." I look at Loki, "You look horrible." Loki changes outfits. "Ok we need to use your escape root off of Asgard you keep talking about, Heimdall is not going to just let us out with you on the loose."

Loki smiles and says, "We need an air ship for that."

Thor smiles back, "I know just the one."

  We run through many halls dodging many guards. We reach the air ships hangers. Loki sees a small one and hops on and yells over, "This one will work."

  Before I get on I hear, "Thor is that you?"

  I look at Loki and tell him to duck. I turn around and see it's Volstagg. "Oh Volstagg what are you doing here?"

Volstagg looks confused and ask, "I would say the same thing to you, cause you never come down here."

I say sucking at hiding, "Well I thought I would take one for a ride."

Volstagg rises an eyebrow and says, "I don't even think you know how to drive these."

I take a deep breath and smile and say, "I don't," and hop on and say, "but he does" as Loki takes off. Volstagg shacks his head and let's him go.

"So how far is this place?" I ask.

  "Just past these mountains, and through that one." Loki points off to the right. Loki ask, "Do you think Volstagg is going to say anything?"

  I say, "He's my best friend, I don't think he will."

Loki gets us though the mountain, and in a blink of an eye we're back on earth. "We have to hide this ship before anyone sees it." I ask Loki.

  "How am I supposed to know that you know this place more then me?" Loki says with a misunderstanding tone.

Thor looks round and see the football fild. They park and hope out. And get Loki redressed to blend in. "So we go from here?" Loki ask.

"Well I guess we head to the Avengers tower, the party is tomorrow, we can help set up." They head to the tower and at the door Tony is already there.

—————————-Tony POV ————————

      "About time you show, almost thought you were not going to make it," I say while we're walking up.

      Thor speaks up, "Hey I had to brake him out, it's not like my father would let him out."

      Loki looks up and says, "Did you even ask father?"

      Thor smiles and "Of course,"

      Loki laughs, "So you did not even try."

      I speak up and say, "We need to talk" pointing to Loki.

      As we walk in and head to the top in the elevator I begin to say, "Just so you know, Y/N's not here I sent her out for the day shopping for her party dress."

     Loki doesn't say anything as he looks away. I bring them to a big meeting room. "So I made Thor bring you here Loki, to talk to you about Y/N, mostly about what you saw from Y/N future vision." I say.

      "Why would you want to know? I could just lie to you and I could make my way free."

     Thor points at him, "If this don't work out, your going back to Asgard being locked up."

     "I will not be going back there," Loki raises his voice, as he takes a deep breath, "Y/N showed me us being together and we had kids and a purple thing kills me."

     Tony goes blank and shacks himself, "You too, and a purple guy, ok so purple guy can wait, but kids with Y/N. Maybe that's why she can't remember a lot of stuff, she saw her own future so it made her forget, but she remembers you without remembering you."

      Thor and Loki stare at Me. "So Y/N don't remember Loki at all, but she remembers all of us" Thor suggest while standing up.

      Loki sits back almost hurt. Loki speaks up "But you said she does remember me, what do you mean? I'm kind of lost."

     I stand up and say follow me. I take them to Y/N's room and shows Loki all that she wrote in her diary and Drew pictures of him. "I think it's all about you Loki, but when she saw the real picture of you she went down in pain cause I think she wants to remember but something stopping her." I walk to Loki with this feeling I have, "Please Loki, help Y/N remember."

     Thor hits Loki on the back, " Of corse he will."

      At the same time Loki looks around with a lost and confused feel in his face and finally said, "Let's do this."

     I show them to Area where they can stay at and where they won't be seen till tomorrow. Before leaving them for the night I tell Loki, "Just for your information you have competition."

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