Sometimes you dont want to know

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      As I put my hand on Tony, I say to him, "When we come back, catch me."

      He looks at me confused, and before he can say anything, Tony see's himself with Pepper happy as can be.  Tony sees a little girl with him a Pepper playing outside. But then a large purple guy and himself beaten to a pope. Tony sits up and does something weird with his hand, and he snaps his fingers. The large purple guy dies but so does Tony. Tony starts to panic and comes back to his scenes. I black out, Tony sees what's happening and runs and try's to catch me.

I wake up. I look around, I'm hooked up to a Iv and a few other things. I sit up but there's a strange man I've never seen before working on some high tech computer. "Y/N your up." He walks over, "You need to lay back down before anything else happens."

I look at him and ask "And who are u?"

He walks up and says, "Oh, my name is Dr. Bruce Banner, I'm kind of friends with what seems to be your brother." I roll my eyes cause I wanted Tony to find out not a doctor. I pull out the iv and start to walk out.

Bruce runs up to me and grabs my arm and with a concerned voice he says, "I don't think you should go."

I yell out, "I don't need a doctor telling me what to do when I'm not even 100 percent human."

"And what makes you think I am?" He questions back.

That's when Tony walks in and yells at me, "Y/N back in the bed!"

I look back at Tony with tears in my eyes. And Tony walks to soft talk to Bruce.

Tony walks up to me and turns around a screen with X-rays and all kinds of info about me on the screen. "When you were pass out I got busy doing simple things and noticed some stuff that I could not explain so I called Bruce and he came by to help."

I pep up and go "Oh," I then look down and murmur "sorry".

Bruce comes over, "You do know, you really have some interesting things about you; should we start over?"

I nod and say, "I'm sorry and yes let's start."

With the last few hours I've been poked and asked 1000's of questions. And with my dad's info there is still no true lead to anything except I'm like Captain America. They both agree there is something else, but no clue or ever heard of it. As it's getting late I'm looking in more of my dads books. Tony comes over to me and sits down. "Any luck he ask?"

"No not really, whatever dad was working on or hoping for on me must of been a one time thing and forgot what he did."

Tony looks at me, "Could of been." Then he looks away and ask, "so in that vision, did you see it too?"

I nod and hug him, "I'm sorry, I should not hug u before asking."

Tony looks at me hugs me back and says, "I thought I would not enjoy having a sibling, but I think you're alright."

I smile and say my thanks, "I always wanted a brother."

I stand and look at Tony and say, "If ever a big purple guy ever comes after you, I'll get him first." Even Tony laughs and I look right at him as I get really close and say "Tony loves Pepper."

Automatically Tony gets up and says, "Shut up, I do not."

I joke right on back with, "Yes, yes you do." I quickly run away. Tony runs right after me saying about how he doesn't.

      Bruce stops the both of us, "Guys look I found something." We both walk over. With a 3D model of my insides, Bruce zooms in close to my heart. With something so tiny, almost microscopic, a blue thing.

      "What is that?" Tony takes that part of the model and zooms in more.

      Bruce looks at Tony and says, "What ever it is, it's giving her powers, and I'm scared to say more likely killing her."

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