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I push this guy has hard as I can, at the same time Clint draws a arrow at him and everyone starts shouting at him. Tony's iron man suit comes crashing into the door. Nick Yells over to me, "Y/N bring the tesseract over here to me."

The dark hair guy uses his staff to shoot a ray of some short and takes down evey gunman around. As Tony shoots a shot at the dark hair guy and knocks back him around 20 feet.

He stands slowly as he's right by Clint. "I am Loki of Asgard, and Burden with glorious power."

Loki grabs Clint's arm and points his staff to his hart. In a blink of an eye Clint stops his fighting stance. Loki and Clint start walking over to me, and Tony does a blast witch knocks over Clint but Loki keeps walking to me. Natasha runs over to Clint to see if she can help him. Loki reaches me and of course I start to fight back. Loki knocks me to the ground. Tony flys over to me, but before he makes it Loki puts the staff to my heart.

He looks at me as I try and fight back, he says, "You will be mine and kneel to me." As soon as he has said that something happens. Me, Loki and Clint appear at a underground bunker somewhere else.

Loki looks around and goes, "This is a nice place to hid," and sees that I have the tesseract still. Clint takes it as Loki finds rope and tape laying around and ties me up.

I yell at him, "You know my brother and everyone will be looking for us!"

Loki smiles and says, "You were kind to transport me and the tesseract for me to safety, it makes me wonder how that happened."

~~~~~~~~Back at the Shield bunker ~~~~~~

Nick gets up and so does Natasha, Tony takes off his helmet, "Where did they go?" They all look at each.

Nick speaks up, "Looks like Loki started a war. We need to get the rest of you guys together to find the tesseract."

Tony yells out, "Not just the tesseract, Y/N too." Tony getting more angry, "If he puts even a scratch on her,"

"You will kill him, we know. I'll do the same," Natasha specks up.

Nick puts a ear pice in and says, "Phil get a hold of Captain Bruce for me." Nick goes up to Tony and says "Don't worry, Y/N can take care of herself,"

"I trained her" Natasha says.

Tony flys out the door without a word but yells back, "keep me posted!"

~~~~~~~The Underground Bunker~~~~~~~

I sit in a dark room, by myself, kind of reminds me of just growing up. But I need to keep my cool I have a feeling, I'm the one only one who's not under his control. His staff looks like the tesseract with that blue glow. More likely that thing that's in me is what caused us to teleport but he doesn't need to know that. I need put my training into action and consult him of what he is doing, and find a way to get a hold of someone on the outside. Let the fun start.

Future in the stone حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن