It begins

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So I went to work. The only thing I was taught. I take a deep breath, and yell out, "Is there a way a girl can go pee? Hello? I need to pee." I be as annoying as can be, also loud by banging my feet to the ground.

About 10 minutes go by, Loki storm's in. "What!?!" Loki says with a upset voice.

I just need to go to the girls room. Loki gets another man to grab me and take me to the bathroom. As we walk the halls I look around. I see something being built. I ask, "What's the plan for over there. You can't tell me it's nothing when there is obviously something there."

  "It's for me to bring my army to earth," Loki explains.

"So that's your glorious plan? Really? I mean, to take over the world, how boring." Loki looks over at me with anger. Loki takes his Dagger and cuts the rope. I look over at my Wrist and see a few marks but they look ok.

As I walk into the bathroom I hear some say, "Sir, we found the Erik for you." I quickly go to the bathroom and walk out. Only the one other guy is with me. He grabs my arm I know not to fight there is to many and was taught to know when not take any chances. I get taken to the room that I was in, and was told to go to bed. We had a Mission tomorrow and needed our rest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tony house~~~~~~~~~~~

Tony is walking back and fourth looking at files and reading about gamma rays or anything to do with it. Pepper walks in, "whatever this is, it must be serious."

Tony looks up and starts explaining all that went down. "I need to get her back ASAP, before he finds out that she can be used as a tesseract and hurts her.

~~~~~~~At shield~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Natasha walks up to Nick. "Loki kidnapped Erik a hour ago with Clints help. Loki has taken now many of our men."

A young man walks in, "Excuse me sir, I think Erik had some clue where Loki was heading next."

Nick grabs the papers and thanks the man. He looks up at Natasha and says, "Get everyone you can and suit up."

~~~~~~~~~~~Tony house ~~~~~~~~~~

Tony's still working on the gamma when a call comes in. "Anything? If so let it out," Tony says with meaning.

Natasha on the other end says, "Loki going to steel Iridium in Germany. We are heading that way now."

"On my way." Tony reply's

~~~~~~~~~~~Loki hide out~~~~~~~~~~

I am in my room, all alone. All of a sudden Loki walks in with a smile on his face, "Hello darling, I need you to help me with something."

I look at him with confusion, "One, my name is not darling, it's Y/N. Two, why do you think I'll help you low key."

He smiled, "I like what you did there, but I really have no use for you after this, and I'll let you go back to your so called friends."

"What will I have to do." I respond with a small grin on my face

"All you have to do is go to a party and distract this man" Loki shows me a picture of him.

"So that's all I have to do?" I say, Loki nods. "What am I going to wear? I don't think a t-shirt and jeans are going to let me in."

Loki opens the door, "You will wear this." It's a long blue Silk dress. I stop in aww of just how beautiful it is. "Wear this, and do what you got to do. We leave in 30 minutes."

"Well there goes my sleep for tomorrow mission." I get dressed and ready to head out. "This is either gonna be really fun, or it's gonna suck. No in-between."

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