{11}~Oh, that tantrum.

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Never be a quiet reader please!

Never be a quiet reader please!

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It's been a week.
An awful one week if I do say so.

He hasn't touched me since that night.

"I'm leaving now" he says getting off of the barstool in the kitchen while I'm sitting on the comfortable living room couch. My black hair's in a messy bun and I'm wearing sweats as always.

Bruce is wearing his regular black shirt and black slacks. His messy hair resting on his forehead. He picks up the black blazer off of the stool.

He hasn't left my side for a week straight.

Where is he going now?

"Where are you going?" I ask pausing the series 'the umbrella academy'

"We just got a lead on viper. We'll get your friend back in no time". He says in his serious husky voice.

"Are you leaving me here alone?"

"Adrian and Xavier are coming over  to look after you. Along with more security."

I don't respond but he gets a message on his phone.

Adrian and Xavier walk in with their usual playful selves.

"Hey beautiful" Xavier greets me plopping down on the couch next to me.

I didn't miss the glare Bruce shot him.

Adrian chuckles seeing Bruce's looks towards Xavier

"Nice to see you again gorgeous" Adrian himself says kissing the back of my hand.

Xavier had brown hair and black eyes.
Adrian had black hair with grey eyes.
They both were wearing their suits. Adrian wearing a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and Xavier a white.

Bruce's rolls his eyes at the crazy men.

"Make sure there's atleast one hundred of my men on the compound at all times. Anything happens to her and you two won't see the light of day." Bruce says in a serious tone.

"We get it old man, we'll keep your girl safe, now leave. We're binge watching Netflix" Xavier says proping his feet up on the coffee table holding the remote in his hand."

"Hey, I'm picking. I said grabbing the remote from Xavier.

We all chuckle besides for Bruce.

Not the laughing type I see.

He exits the house and we continue watching Netflix.

5 hours had passed and we got tired of Netflix.

Adrian turns of the TV and we just sit there talking about our lives.

"Damn, you're only 19 and have your own company?" Adrian asks in shock.

THE GUY NEXT DOOR {Ongoing}Where stories live. Discover now