{16}~This Is Going To Be Fun

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Sorry for the late update. In having a bit of writers block but hopefully we're back<3


"Are you okay Alex?" Cherry asks with her motherly concerning tone

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"Are you okay Alex?" Cherry asks with her motherly concerning tone.

"Yeah, I just panicked and my mind went to him and I just didn't know what to do and I got anxious, then I started crying and-" Cherry cuts me off with a hug.

"It's okay," she says pulling away from the hug holding both my hands. "We've just got to get you a refill in case it happens again." I smile and nod.

This time I'm the one who pulls her into a hug. Her eyes widen."What's that for?" She asks confused.

"It's for never leaving me like everyone else. As he did." she smiles sweetly at me.

"Okay, so are you going to tell me what was that about?" Cherry asks smirking at me.

"What was what about?" I ask pretending to not know what she's talking about.

"The tension between you and Bruce" she smirks wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"It was nothing" I quickly respond.

"Are you going to tell me why Adrian stayed over tonight?" I say now wiggling my eyebrows at her as she did me.

Her eyes immediately widen and her cheeks turn red.

"We just" she trails off "we might of" she trails off again." maybe" she trails off for the third time. "Kissed," she says quickly.

"You what?" I exclaim.


The #cherrian ship is sailing.

"If my thighs weren't on fire right now I'd be jumping and screaming" I state with a huge grin on my face.

"I ship one thousand million per cent."

"And I ship you and Bruce one trillion per cent" she squeals.

I love my best friend but no one could ever love me. Bruce could never like or love someone as broken and fragile as me.

"I love you"

"I love you too A. I know your thighs are probably still on fire so let's get you to bed. The Boys should be home later tonight". She takes my hand in her's and takes me to my room.

She gets me in bed and tucks me in.

"Hey Cherry, can you stay please?" I quickly say before she was about to leave.

"Sure," she says climbing on the bed and laying next to me pulling the covers over her.

We lay on our backs looking up at the ceiling.

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