Day Twenty-Five

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Dear Reader,
    You know what sucks Reader? Not getting invited to a party everyone else went to. And it's all because of one stupid thing I decided to get mad about. I wish I could take it back. I often dream of what it would be like if my friends accepted me again. If I wasn't alone. I'm relying on my family more and more. My cousins are my friends now and I've been telling my mother things I wouldn't normally tell her. It's weird. I used to never be this close to my family. Now, they're all I have.
    On the bright side, Marching Band is starting again. Yes it's a a lot of work but I love performing and traveling with the band. Those road trips are the highlight of the school year. My parents are on the fence about it because Emily is a member of the guard. But I really don't care. Emily and I may not be friends but it's not like she'll kill me in my sleep. Besides my friends are on the guard and I really REALLY miss dancing since the musical is over. I'm going to be the best I can be this upcoming school year. I won't be a lowly freshman anymore. And with the seniors gone there are more opportunities for me. (Seniors, I love you!) I just want to be recognized for something. I'm sick of being in the background. I'm tired of being invisible. I know it sounds selfish but I want to be SEEN and HEARD. I believe I have talent; the rest of the world just has to listen.
    Do you understand what I mean Reader? Cause I'm done with being a wallflower. No, I won't become a bossy jerk. I just want a chance. I want to take more risks. I don't want to be that conservative girl. Maybe you don't want to be invisible either. It's sucks to be invisible. It stinks to hold back when you know you can do more. And we can do more Reader. I know that you and I have hidden talents that no one has seen. We just have to bring them to light. And once we do maybe we'll get recognition for it. Or maybe not. To me, it won't matter. There's always going to be someone better. I just want to give them a run for their money.
I bet you do too.


"So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them." - Chbosky, Stephen. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.

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