Day Six

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Dear Reader,

Dude, I am exhausted. I so freaking tired, I almost fell asleep while watching my favorite cooking show: Food Network Star. That never happens. And while I 'm tired, of course the work keeps piling up. Summer homework, laundry, Color Guard (the flag twirlers in the marching band), cleaning the house, more laundry. One day I'm just going to be folding laundry and fall asleep. Probably while folding someone's underwear. I think I might have something called narcolepsy. It's a sleep condition where you constantly wake up in the middle of the night, have vivid dreams, as well as daytime sleepiness. But enough about my mental health. We all know that I'm insane.

So Reader, today I thought I'd tell you a bit more about me. As I mentioned before, I'm in the Color Guard at my school. For those who are confused on what a Color Guard is because they have never been social enough to go to a high school football game, I'll explain. A Color Guard is a part of the marching band that dances and flag twirls with the music. The more experienced Color Guard members spin rifles and sabres too. I guess they don't trust us rookies with weapons, just with six foot long metal poles. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? WRONG. ...I just confused myself. So far my legs and feet have been collecting bruises. Don't even get me started on how often I've hit my fingers. Trust me, I can't count that high.

So I've been having these weird dreams lately. Not really dreams, more like nightmares. Not just any nightmare either, the kind of nightmare that leaves you trembling, too scared to fall back asleep. I used to get these nightmares all the time when I was little, but back then I could just walk into my parents' room and sleep on the floor next to their bed. Now, not so much. I don't know why they've chosen now to come back, it's rather inconvenient timing since I'm starting high school in the fall. I got enough to worry about. But of course there's these awful nightmares about the first day of school. I don't normally have nightmares about school, but there's a first time for everything. Other things in my nightmares recently, friends getting kidnapped and family in trouble. That family nightmare left me up for the rest of the night worrying that one day it could come true. I really hope not.

Sorry to depress you Reader, because I don't mean to be depressing. Nightmares are just those things in life that I haven't quite figured out. Like all dreams really. Most of the odd ones I write down and turn them into stories. The others I just laugh about and shake off. But nothing scares me more than nightmares. Why? Because somewhere in my head a voice is telling me: "It could all come true."

Sincerely Yours,


"I drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there's no relief in waking."- Finnick, Mockingjay

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