Day Sixteen

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Dear Reader,

I despise being a girl. Why you ask? Because of things like dances, boys, dating and love force me to become an emotional rollar-coaster that I can't control. I have to be this sappy idiot who gets holds grudges and daydreams and ugh! It's terrible. If you couldn't tell, I just experienced my first high school dance. Middle schoolers, High School Musical was wrong. No one random bursts into a kick line. In fact the dancing(if I can even call it that) was something not many people want to witness. At least, I didn't.

If you're a high schooler then you know I'm talking about grinding. Like c'mon people, are we really this immodest? Have a little self respect okay? Speaking of high school dances, what is wrong with the music? Literally, only two songs that night weren't dub-step. And most of them were incredibly stupid. There is a song about butts. You know which one I'm talking about. Is this how far we have fallen society? We write songs about people's butts? Come to your senses people. Is this really what we want our society to look like? What if aliens come to America and discover that we clear have zero self respect and we aren't musically inclined. And then they wipe us out because we're a terrible society. Human extinction is all your fault Niki Minaj!

Sorry that's my little rant. I really despise our societal standards. It says you have to like this music, have to wear these clothes, and look like everyone else. Sorry skinny society, but I'm in a committed relationship with my cookie dough ice cream. And there's not room for both. Our societal standards have even going down hill. Girls are barely wearing clothes anymore; thanks society. People feel bad about their body image because they aren't super skinny or don't have a six pack; thanks society. I can't ask a question without the answer being "your mom"; thanks society. The lists goes on and on. Our generation doesn't have this respect or standard for ourselves. But in reality our generation isn't making standards for our society. Businesses are. Apple makes you love Apple products. Fashion designers make you love their clothes. Niki Minaj makes you love her music. We need to think for ourselves and be our own influences in the world. No one is making my stupid decisions for me. I'll do that myself.

Sincerely Yours,


"Are you sick of it? Raise your hands, get rid of it while there's a fighting chance."- Skillet, "Sick of It"

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