Day Twenty-Two

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Dear Reader,

        I'm not going to lie. Today was tough. 

        Emily has decided that I'm a nuisance. An annoyance. So I should be cut loose. And so I was. Emily argued with me over cake, CAKE. She was so stubborn that she refused to believe that she was wrong. Where as I was calm, she yelled at me and my friend Hannah. She told us to shut up or she would punch us. It was an explosion, something neither Hannah nor I deserved. And the worst thing is that she didn't even feel sorry. She's been like this for the past month or so, and I'm officially sick of it. I'm sick of her hatred towards the world, her grudges, the way she blows off anything important, and her belief that she's always right. I'm completely done. 

        I apologize for sounding like a whiny brat. I wish I was a sociopath. Emotions are useless. 

        So somehow in the middle of all of this, I realized that I haven't been there for a friend who's been feeling the same thing I have. Lonely. This friend, let's call her Sally, has been through a terrible break up and I wasn't there for her like I should have been. Sally felt so lonely and deserted that she hurt herself. No one should ever have to feel this way. Reader, I wasn't there for her like I should have been. I should have noticed that something was wrong, I could have done something. But the reality is that I did nothing. Now, Sally is facing issues with her parents and her ex-boyfriend that refuse to go away. She has to put on a mask everyday because she thinks that no one will understand her. She feels worthless, not good enough, even ugly or fat. I know this because I've felt this way too. But Reader she is beautiful. She is the kindest person I know. She listens and genuinely cares for people. If I could be anyone, I would want to be her. Why? Because she is amazing and I love her to death. 

        Reader look for others like Sally. Don't let them feel alone or unwanted. Or maybe Reader you feel like Sally. My advice to you; do something different. Try smiling or sitting with different people at lunch. Learn how to play guitar or get a dog or I don't know go sky diving. This is your life Reader. Do you really want it to be miserable?

        Sincerely Yours,


"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters."-Audrey Hepburn

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