Day Twelve

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Dear Reader,

         Okay. I don't normally keep up with the news in my city because honestly, where I live is a wreck. But recently some idiot protesters decided that in order to prove a point about racism, they are going to trash business, attack police and basically start the Purge except hey, idiots it's not legal. Because of this decision, people in Ferguson, Missouri are fearing for their safety. Kids can't go anywhere, brothers and fathers watch the front door with baseball bats and shotguns, mothers try to comfort their children while gunshots can be heard around the block. Now, I don't live in Ferguson, so don't worry I'm fine. But seriously people, can't we solve anything peacefully anymore? This just makes me mad. Hurting people, hunting the police, it's not going to solve anything. I don't have all the facts on how this whole thing started but honestly I don't care. It doesn't change anything. If you're gonna protest make signs and sit in front of city hall or something. Don't rampage through neighborhoods WHERE CHILDREN LIVE AND SLEEP! 

         I'm sorry that this is so short but I felt like someone had to say it.

Sincerely Yours,


        "Spread love." - Jen Ledger

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