Day Four

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Dear Reader,

My friend, let's call her Emily, is demanding that I write, so Reader I apologize if this entry is crap. Blame Emily. So the last couple entries I told you about my youth group. They are the strangest, craziest, most insane group of people I've ever met. I love them for that. Last night, we got into an intense game of Chutes and Ladders and Candyland. That's right a group of teenagers broke out the board games that read "Ages 3-10". It's a suggestion, okay? Okay. I'm warning you now, teenagers are freaks when it comes to Candyland. I'm not kidding. There were cards flying, pieces thrown, and dreams crushed. It was total chaos. We did twist the roles to fit our teenage minds, but it still ended in fist fights. One guy even ripped his shorts. In the background, Veggie Tales played in the background while the game grew more intense. When the dust cleared, the two oldest guys in the group won. One of them was the guy with ripped shorts. If you couldn't tell, my life is made up of chaotic events. This makes me the Queen of Chaos.

For example, my friends are chaotic. There's Crazy Hannah and her sidekick Rambunctious Emily. We have gotten into some crazy situations. I have lunch every day with these two freaks, which can get insane. For example, Hannah got an award at school during lunch and they were giving out these plastic cups with the award. So she decides to put the cup face down on the table and pressed down on the edge of the cup. The cup flew across the table, and nailed a girl in the face. The principle was standing right behind Hannah, and for a moment none of us breathed. She was laughing. She said, "Don't teach the sixth graders this." Then she just walked away. The cup game is now tradition when someone receives an award.

Now why would I tell you about these idiots? Good question. I'm still pondering that myself. But, I guess the real reason is because without my friends, I wouldn't be the person I am today. So Reader, stop reading this right now, don't be the anti-social bum sitting on the couch. GO MAKE FRIENDS! Because without them, you're missing a piece of yourself.

Sincerely Yours,


"There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate." - Linda Grayson

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