Day Seven

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Dear Reader,

Do you ever plan out your conversations before they happen? Like think through everything you want to say, and everything the other person is going to say? Well, yeah I do. Maybe I'm just weird like that. So, one of my friends threw a party, and I seriously did this. Pretty much planned out every word I would say. Then of course at the party, I said none of the things I wanted too. And I thought I had a good memory.

So Reader, how's life? Mine's pretty good, I guess. I hate being one of those downers that are like "My life sucks. I have the worst life ever." I mean those people (cough, teenagers) are probably just having a bad day. It's not like they're living in a cardboard box with no food. Obviously not, if they have the ability to post about it online. I really hope I don't sound like these people. I have so much to be thankful for. A house, food, water, friends, food, family, money, and lastly food. I really love food. But my point is that we all have things to be thankful for, right? We can't just go around saying life sucks, because it really doesn't.

How do we overcome these negative feelings about life? I'm glad you asked. See, the thing I have to tell myself everyday is there are people all over the world who have it worse. Starvation, war, disease, greed, and so much more. These things have taken over our world. And all of this were caused by us. I was talking with my friend the other day and one of the things he said was:

"Humans should just go away. It would be so much better for the Earth." And isn't he right?

Okay, I don't mean to sound like a hippie, but yes I kind of am a hippie. I just hate it when other people suffer. When I see a homeless person on the side of the road, or a stray dog I sincerely feel the need to jump out the car and help. But no one can do that anymore because of the stupid world we live in.

Yes, that was a rant. So sorry. My point is to think about the positive instead of the negative. Who knows? Maybe thinking about good things will make good things suddenly appear. Stranger things have happened.

Sincerely Yours,


"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."- Marcus Aureilus

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