Day Eight

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Dear Reader,         

        Children never cease to amaze me. One of the children that attend my church, we'll name her Lily, found out about these books I'm writing. She is so enthusiastic and kind, I'm really speechless. It's amazing to see not only your friends take an interest in your writing, but little girls? That's inspiring. At least to me. I know some people don't like children, which I don't understand, (probably because I am a child). Children are so curious, so open minded, so innocent. They are untainted by the world and see every in a new light. Man, I want to be a little kid again. Life was so much easier. You didn't have to worry about anything. Nobody expected you to be perfect. It was great.         

        This week my family and I have been getting ready for my dad's birthday. Our gift at father's day kind of failed, so this gift has to make up for it. You see, my dad is a little picky. Okay very picky. When he wants something, he gets it. It's his way or the highway. For example, one Christmas Dad wanted power tools. So he went out and bought himself his own set of power tools. That's just the kind of guy he is. So the question is what to get him. Well, he doesn't like expensive things, he like family stuff, and music. Naturally I created a music video. I figured it costs no money, and it's about family and music. I know I'm a genius. I hope he likes it. 

        On top of all this,I have to get ready for Band Camp. It's two weeks of marching around a field but with the heat it feels like walking on the surface of the sun. Or so I've been told. Because of this heat, the band directors have issued strict dietary changes. Basically no junk food, and drink only water. My question is: Is birthday cake allowed? As I've told you before, Reader I really love food. Especially cake. I'm just going to rebel. I mean, no one will know right? You'll keep my secret, right Reader?

        I mean what's wrong with junk food? Yes, it's bad for your physical health. But that's only if you eat too much. Even the Food Guide Pyramid had fats and oils on it. Of course, the government got rid of that in favor of My Plate, which is stupid in my opinion. My point is, that yes too much can be bad. But what if you don't get enough? This doesn't just apply to food. Think about it. Too much exercise can be bad, but not enough causes tons of health problems. Arguing too much is a problem, but not enough and you become a door mat. Hogging the spotlight can make you selfish, but never having recognition? That's even worse.

        We all just have to find our happy medium. 

        Sincerely Yours,


“Too much of anything could destroy you... Too much darkness could kill, but too much light could blind.”-Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

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