Day Twenty Six

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Dear Reader,

Life is magical. Already the counselors and teachers are preparing for sophomore year. The marching band is holding try outs again, the theatre department is about to announce their next productions, people are getting married, auditions for summer plays are popping up everywhere, etc. Spring is here and everyone is ready to start the new season off and end the old one. It's a lot to take in. I'm just a freshman so I'm not getting ready for college but I have to prepare myself for another year of high school. It's insane, I feel like I just started school but at the same time I feel ready to leave. New beginnings often have this effect on me.

This weekend I had an amazing opportunity to go down to the city and lead a worship service for homeless men. I'll admit, at first I was scared. The city I live in isn't the nicest and often times bad things do happen. I was afraid that someone would pull out a gun or do something equally terrifying. That didn't happen. We served the men dinner, and they were very polite and courteous. Then came the scary part. I had to lead them in song. I was shaking; I never get nervous. Fortunately, no one laughed at my guitar playing or yelled at me so that was good. While I was down there I realized how many different types of people were homeless. Men that look like teachers, business men, elderly people. All of these groups came to the shelter seeking help. It warmed my heart to help them.

I just finished watching this Batman documentary and it was strange to see the way Batman impacted so many people. The film explained how Batman became more than just a story; he's an inspiration. He empowered people to continue through their struggles in life. For example, a little boy named Kye loved Batman and he was fighting cancer. Because of these morals Batman passed down to Kye, Kye says he never felt like giving up. It never even entered his mind. Another man they interviewed went to children's hospitals around the nation dressed as Batman in the Batmobile. He would spend hour with the kids, giving them toys and encouragement. This man wasn't paid to do this. He used his own money to pay for children's toys, a Batman costume which he wore for days on end, and a replica of the Batmobile. Batman inspired him to make a difference in this world. So really, all of us should be more like Batman.

Reader, we must become Batman.



"It's not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me." -Batman

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