C H A P T E R - 1 2

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The next day~

You woke up. You did your morning routine as fast as possible and called itzy at wedding venue. You went to wedding place and checked everything. Kai and Jennie arrived at the dress up room that was at wedding hall. Sometime later priest came. There were no other guests than some guards. This is because of safety. You and itzy started to do makeup and dress up of your mom.

Y/n : you guys continue I am going to check appa.

They nodded. You came to his room.

Y/n : Wahaa looking handsome. Mom will faint.

You smirked with a chuckle.

Kai : Aww you only care about her what about your appa?

He pout. You chuckled.

Kai : Don't worry I'll handle the situation I won't let her faint.

You chuckled and headed to your mom's room.

Lia : Let's get ready.

Itzy dressed and helped each other with makeup while you were making your eomma ready.

Mom : Girls make her ready too.

You pouted. They nodded.

Y/n : Okay okay I am going to dress up.

You took your dress and went to change. Itzy helped in your makeup.

You all reached the place where wedding will be held. Yuna and you were taking your mom and others were following you. BTS joined through video call. Everyone's gaze went to the side from where your mom took her steps. Kai was surprised seeing Jennie. But to let you know except Kai and Jennie no one knows that BTS has joined through video call. JenKai (jennie and kai) didn't leek it and even you don't know. Jennie reached the center where kai was standing and everyone was waiting. Lee dong-wook the priest started to address the wedding.

Dong-wook : Let's take vows.

Dong-wook turned his head to kai with a book in his hands.

Dong-wook : Do you accept Jennie as your wife?

Kai : yes!

Dong-wook turned his head to Jennie.

Dong-wook : do you accept kai as your husband?

Jennie : Yes!

Dong-wook turned his head focusing on the book.

Dong-wook : bring the rings.

Wonyoung the bride's made bought the rings. And handed one to Kai and another to Jennie.

Dong-wook : put the rings in each other's fourth finger.

Kai put the ring in Jennie's fourth finger and Jennie in kai's.

Everyone clapped.

Dong-wook : please say after me.

Dong-wook : I ___ take you ___

Kai : I kai take you Jennie

Jennie : I jennie take you Kai

Jenkai said in unison.

Dong-wook : to be my ___

Kai : to be my wife.

Jennie : to be my husband.

MAFIA STEPBROTHERS (BTS FF)~~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora