Weighing Grudes 008

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Katsuki pulls his eyes up stiffly. Watching the form leaning against his open dorm door. It's too late to be dealing with this, and he doesn't want to. But the green fluff of hair is undeniable, no matter how much he tries to blink. Convincing himself it's a tired illusion. He stands from the carpet, his thoughtless daze over. Too strung up in the whole ordeal with Slanty. He couldn't have been...


'What?' snarls Katsuki, 'and why're you here! Get out of my dorm!'

'No! Well, I will but... I mean.' Deku composes himself, 'did you...'

'Tell anybody? Oh my fuck! Stop getting on my ass for it! The answer is no, dimwit!'

'That wasn't what I was going to ask,' Deku straightens himself out, standing at the threshold now. 'I'm just wondering...'

Katsuki doesn't have time for Deku's wonderings. He's lunging to the door, eyes training on Deku's exposed neck, but he halts at his words. His viscera leaving through his sigh.

'Did what you learn about Todoroki not affect you?'


'I still cry sometimes, just thinking about how much he's gone through,' Deku admits.

'Okay?' Just now Katsuki was pondering something as trivial as Slanty, but here is Deku. Prompting him for something a little deeper than that, and he can't provide it. All he feels is the swirl of nothing that came with the crucial scenes of Icyhot.


'Just go,' Katsuki holds the door tightly. Deku eyes his hand, weak looking as always, but his words are especially bold today.

'I think it's kind of cruel.'

Katsuki scoffs.

'That you don't feel anything.'

'Who said that?' Katsuki leans close.

'Nobody,' Deku says, 'nobody at all. But you showed it.'

'Maybe you should show yourself out the door.'

'I am out the door.'

Katsuki pauses to lean against the threshold, hoping to shove him out a little, but Deku is still. 'You're getting awfully bold these days.'

'I'm not the same kid you made fun of.'

'Of course you aren't.'

Deku's glaring at Katsuki. Deku doesn't glare, he doesn't even hold grudges. Suddenly, Katsuki has a sneaking suspicion this runs far deeper than a backpack smack. 'You wish I was.'

His words catch him off guard, but he tries not to show it. He doesn't try hard enough.

'Kacchan, just... grow up.'

'I know what this is,' Katsuki says, enlightened as Deku turns around. Back facing him. Still, Katsuki goes on, 'you've been looking for a reason to be mad at me! Admit it! Then you found this! And your ten times creepier anyways, with that greasy little notebook you carry around!'

He's marching after Deku, a hot surge powering through him, 'You just want to see me fail! Don't you? This is good to you, you like this, don't you?' 

'Leave me alone, Kacchan.'

'You can just enter my room and say shit like that then leave! OI GET BACK HERE!'


Katsuki snatches Deku's wrist, dragging him back, but not before he feels a power crushing through his jaw. A punch. Deku punched him. His breath catches in his throat, and he feels his face just to make sure it's real. While his vision spins, his brain's fine. Frozen even. As if the punch never happened or maybe he's too slow to care.

'Did you just-' 

'You touched me first.' He sounds nervous, timid.

'You just...'

'Sorry,' Deku soon squeaks, backtracking. Not before he turns around and races off, shoulders high. Pathetic the whole way, but Katsuki won't be ditched in an empty hall holding his sore cheek in awe.

'I'll kill you.' He says, as Deku presses the elevator remote. Katsuki thunders after him. Explosions sparking off in his palms, 'I'LL FUCKING–'

The elevator door opens. Katsuki's arm is raised, boiling above an agog Deku, frozen in place. Katsuki's never hit Deku. Well, except when they were four, but his mom gave him hell for it. But that's besides the point: Katsuki's never been this mad. Deku was seeking something, and he got it. He should deserve this much at least.

Yet Katsuki's the one trapping him on the wall, arm readied in a high swing, and painted as the bad guy the moment Pinky and Halfie gaze at them from the comfortable elevator. Katsuki doesn't say a word. He can't. The words leave his head the second he sees them. The second Pinky yelps, jumping from the elevator, he leaves. Not even knowing what she says as he recoils from Deku.

Helplessly disgusted with himself. His anger only leads to violence in training, but here he was, getting angry over something so useless. Katsuki's never been punched by Deku like that, and maybe it was excessive. Maybe just maybe he did too much, but Katsuki's never seen it that way. 

And as Pinky screams after him, Halfie with a face full of disdain, he strolls to his room. Cheek sore, and confused. As if too much happened at once. Why was Deku so mad anyways? He's never mad. Katsuki's usually the mad one, and even when Deku's anger is gone, Katsuki's remains with a hard resolve. Boiling inside him, ready to be put to use.

At least Deku got what he wanted.

Words: 837 

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