Chapter Eighteen: 550

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"Get your ass down girlie! If you move, I'll shoot. Same goes for you bucko!" He pointed his gun at Tucker. Who said bucko anymore?

"Fine, fine. But you can't kill us, or you won't find the tresure!" I smiled at him, lowering myself to the ground. Casually reaching into my pocket, I grabbed my gun.

"The treasure? What treasure?" He sounded genuinely confused. I heard Tucker snicker.

"The treasure of I'm a wiener." I explained, trying to keep a straight face. God I love the Simpsons.

"I'm a weiner?" He wondered aloud, and I burst out laughing with Tucker. He looked mightly pissed off at that moment.

One Hour Earlier

"600?" He guessed. I shook my head with a smile. "Lower." The plane ride was so boring. Thankfully, we would be landing soon.

"540?" Tucker asked again. Charlotte shifted on my shoulder. For a twelve year old, she was really small. Turns out Tucker was in someone's seat, a very nervous unaccompanied minor named Charlotte. She took the window seat, and was currently sleeping. I took her glasses off and she sighed.

"You're really close, but higher." I whispered. I brushed Charlotte's dark brown hair out of her closed eyes.

"You're so good with kids Cara. You calmed her down in like five minutes, and got her to sleep." I shrugged with a smile.

"I baby-sat a lot when I was younger. Tucker, my name isn't Cara." I was getting sick of the fake name. He frowned, and raised his eyebrows.

"Can I guess your name? I knew it would be fake, I just didn't think you would keep it. According to my passport I'm Harry Morris." I nodded, what was the trouble in that?

"I'm going to list names off, rapid fire. Mandy, Marilyn, Brittany, Tiffany, Candace, Brandy, Heather, Brianna, Amber, Serena, Melody, Dakota, Tara?" I shook my head.

"Tammy, Lauren, Charlene, Courtney, Jenny, Krista, Mindy, Shelby?" He knew so many names.

"Elise." He slumped in his seat. "Elise, I knew that. That was my next guess." He declared. Charlotte woke up, looking embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry Miss..." She trailed off awkwardly.  "Elise, call me Elise." I reassured her.  She smiled and sat up. 

"Sorry for falling asleep on you, I'm just a really bad flier. My sister isn't here you know, and it's really hard." Her voice broke. I guess she had lost her sister or something like that.

"Hey bud, it's fine. I'm Elise, and this is Tucker." I pointed to Tucker who was fiddling with his laptop. 

"S'up little dudette." Charlotte shrank into me. Laughing, I put my arms around her trembling frame. 

"Do you want to play a game?" I asked, and she nodded. Tucker scoffed.

"You sound like the clown from Saw. It's a game whether you live, or DIE!" He almost shouted the last word. Charlotte laughed.

"Attention passengers, we will be landing in Queens, New York. very soon. Please fasten your seat belts, and thank you for flying Air Plane." I groaned and buckled in. Landing sucked. Charlotte fastened her belt and curled into me, already looking scared. 

"Come on Char, it'll be fine. Unless we crash into the ocean, then we'll be in big trouble. Or maybe we'll hit the Statue of Liberty." Tucker teased. I smacked him on the arm as I heard Charlotte whimper. 

"Not helping Tucker, not helping at all!" I whispered, now trying to reassure a crying little girl. Really?

Eventually, we did land, and Charlotte did calm down. We went through customs without a problem, then headed down to the baggage area. I didn't have a suitcase, but Tucker and Charlotte did. We walked to the baggage claim, and Tucker swore.

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