Children Chaos - @DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ (48)

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@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ posted a caption.

I just got permission from Principal Nezu to post this information.

Not even two hours ago, a confusingly amount of children had popped out of nowhere. Well, they were all by each student in class apart from me.

They weirdly enough look like either a miniature version of the student they were beside, a miniature version of me, or a combination. Which led to some quick DNA tests and it ended up being positive.

No, I did not have kids with every of my classmates.

After a bit, they told us about their respective present and possibly our future. Each with different outcomes which begs the question, will our future end up being one of theirs or will it be a complete different one?

Comments :

@GEMGD_Katsuki ✓ : Am I doing this correctly?

@GEMGD_Katsuki ✓ : Onee-san said I should write my name beside my comment so people will know who's talking.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : Did you forget to add your name after the comment? Also, how did you manage to get Kacchan's phone?

@GEMGD_Katsuki ✓ : Past father gave us his phone when we said we were bored, past dad. -Kana

@DekuFanboy ✓ : Kana? Are you a female? Do you take Midoriya or Bakugo as your last name?

@GEMGD_Katsuki ✓ : We're Midoriya's!! -TAKEHIKO

@LapisBlueDraws ✓ : Caps.

@IceAndFire_Shoto ✓ : @DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku, you're my papa, right?

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : Not exactly, but yeah. Is this Koyuki?

@IceAndFire_Shoto ✓ : Yes.

@HatsumeHandaHere ✓ : Takes after her father, I see... Straightforward and blunt.

@LapisBlueDraws ✓ : Is she an only child?

@IceAndFire_Shoto ✓ : Father said that I'll be having a baby brother soon.

@DekuFanboy ✓ : Cute and all but Hero Deku is still a male in your timeline, right? How is that possible apart from surrogacy and adoption?

@--- : Pro tip, asking these types of questions are useless. They'll either be ignored or cause more confusion.

@DekuFanboy ✓ : What did I expect, really?

@Uravity_Ochaco ✓ : What's the flashy thing you can do on this thing called ' phone '?

@HatsumeHandaHere : You mean the phone flashlight or the camera flash?

@DekuFanboy ✓ : What is it with the children having their respective past parents' smartphones?

@ClassPresident_Tenya ✓ : Daddy! Look! I just stole dad's phone! Hahah!

@DekuFanboy ✓ : Or stealing them.

@DetroitSmashDeku_Izuku ✓ : Oh. That's why Iida is running around yelling your name right now with Misayo trying to follow behind.

@ManlyRedRiot_Ejiro ✓ : A probably one year old child is quite easier to handle, I can tell you that much.

@Chargebolt_Kaminari ✓ : I mean, it's nice to have little lighting bolt here with me but I need to work on these assignments.

@Creati_Momo ✓ : Indeed. Taking care of children or a child is quite hard when you're a student. You have to pay them necessary attention and our homework as well.

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