Welcome to UA Insta

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Please, let me welcome you to UA Insta.

We have. . .

•A dead ( but not really ) author.

They're anonymous as hell.
One of the only things made clear about them in their hatred for the fictional character, Katsuki Bakugo.

Readers prefer to use the pronouns they/them for the author to respect them. They themselves use they/them pronouns when writing about themselves although they don't use those in real life.
For example,

They have recently transferred schools and being the introvert they are, they haven't made one friend.

Exploring new fandoms and trying to avoid the bad parts of them is what they have been doing this whole time. Heck, they're tempted to write stories of them but they know they have to at least update this book first.

When updating Wattpad, they were so surprised that they almost threw their phone at how much Wattpad had changed. Against their judgement, they decided to not throw their phone and not break it.

Everytime they get a notification that someone had followed them, they always ask themselves,

" Why the fuck are people following me? "

Now, the author isn't relevant to UA Insta so let's instead talk about the characters.

•Izuku Midoriya, the simp magnet

Izuku Midoriya or what some people like to call him, the simp magnet is currently at the League of Villain's base as we speak due to an incident from the most recent chapter.

Nobody knows if he's still a child or not but what we definitely know is that the League will certainly use up this chance of having him at their base to the fullest if possible.

UA's probably worried for them but fuck them for a moment. We're focusing on the side and villain characters currently.

•Katsuki Bakugo, the forgotten part 1

Author literally forgot this character existence in the few latest chapters. I think you can tell who they hate now.

About ¾ of his comments are in all caps. Since his username's so long, we're shortening it to GEMGD ( Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight ).

In conclusion, we don't talk about him.

•Shoto Todoroki, the forgotten part two

Author literally has no reason to forget this character. He was just forgotten because author was too busy focusing on the ' side characters ' of Class A.

Some may say he's a Yandere. Author personally doesn't know because they don't know how Yanderes act. Think of him anyway you want, author couldn't care less.

There's about a ninety-seven percent chance that he'll make an appearance before Katsuki Bakugo.

•Eijiro Kirishima, the side character

Author really doesn't know what happened to this character. He's just there, now.

Once got backstabbed by his best friend but he soon took revenge in the recent chapter and a few times back.

Had a spotlight in the earlier chapters but it was then taken away when Izuku went to have a baseball match with Class B and two other classmen.

•Denki Kaminari, the everlasting loading

Author couldn't help but make this character dumb. They were aiming not to do so as it was quite cliche but it just ended up happening. Somehow. . .

Even without being short circuited, he's as dumb as a newborn baby. If you have read the most recent chapter ( before this ) then you'll agree with this or thinking this is an understatement.

UA INSTA || Dekubowl || By : Not_Shigaraki Where stories live. Discover now