Why Time Travel?

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"Good the bleeding stopped, I swear if it stains my clothes I will be charging you for cleaning." Maleficent sighed as I nodded, not knowing what to do because I didn't have my whiteboard with me.
'Sorry' I mouthed as the woman shook her head.
"whatever, make sure you don't do it again or ill leave you to die." Maleficent responded quickly before moving to her side of the void.
Its ironic, the person who caused me to be like this just saved me from dying due to what she caused. I traced my hand over my deep red scar, feeling it be wet still from the bleeding, I'll have to be careful or itll start bleeding again.

"SHIN!" Rezzekods voice boomed as my neck started bleeding in the glass casket my body was being kept in.
The lightning god approached it ready to break my body out of it before being stopped by Hades, much to Zeus' surprise. "It's Monday, his neck will bleed if he talks so obviously he is talking wherever he is. You cant break him out because its the only thing keeping his body from keeling over and returning to hell but unable to return." Hades spoke as Rezzekod took a couple steps back "Trust your son, he has had to deal with this for ten he knows not to push it." Hades spoke as the bleeding started to slow down in a fashion like someone had put their hand on his neck to stop the bleeding.

Mal's POV

Slowly but surely the white light died down leaving us in a village but it was odd, there was no sign of any technology and everything was so poorly made it was like we were centuries in the past- no at least over a millennium in the past. Whilst everyone else was still observing our surroundings I took a couple steps and saw an image that shocked me, a four year old Shinteru being held in front of a birch door by a teen around our age in a purple hoodie the weirdest thing is he had the same eyes as Shin. "You'll be sent two minutes into the future where you'll return to this spot. As soon as you're back me and you are going to a future where the demon lord cant find us." The teen spoke as he put Shinteru on the ground as the toddler approached the door "You can do this brother." I gasped hearing the teen say this, Shinteru has a brother?
"Iro, why are you crying?" Shinteru asked as 'Iro's' hand felt his face and it was true, he was crying.
"Just missing mum and dad, anyways go in the door we don't have much time." Shinteru's brother smiled strong as Shinteru nodded, opening the door and walking into a white void.
"THE DEMON LORD IS HERE!" A village guard roared as 'Iro' slammed the birch door shut before running towards where the guard was calling from, tons of villagers doing the same picking up torches, pitchforks and spears alike.
"I won't let you get to Shinteru!" Shinteru's brother roared as his eyes turned purple, several platforms appearing in the sky which Shinteru's brother ran on to our shock.
"How is that guy doing that?" Carlos asked as Shinteru's brother's hood fell down revealing his long jet black hair.
"If this is like the other worlds where is Shinteru?" Elise asked as I ran towards the birch door with the intent of opening it.
"In here, I saw him walk in!" I called to my team as we all ran up to the door and as I tried to open it I felt a shock to my body as I roared in pain.
"Mal!" Jay called as I let the handle go.
"Why...I saw Shinteru open it fine why cant I open it?" I asked myself as I turned around to our group noticing someone standing behind us with a glare on his face.
"What do you want with my brother?" Shinteru's brother asked as his eyes turned purple and we were put in seperate balls.
"We just need to find him so we can return him home!" I called as the brother growled.
"He already is home, watch he will leave that door in under sixty seconds."
"What do you mean? Shinteru is the son of Rezzekod and lived in his realm before he lived in hell didn't he?" Evie asked as Shinteru's brother spat on the floor.
"I don't know what you're talking about he is the son of the Kanne family and I, Irota Kanne shall no allow harm come to my brother!" Irota called as the balls broke from underneath us and we all landed, Elise catching Arabella knowing the fall would really hurt her legs.
"Well I guess we've got no choice then." Elise spoke as she handed each of us ice swords she made on the spot.
"Charge!" Arabella called as we all rushed Irota, who immediately created a barrier between himself and us.
Jay, who went to slice at it, had his sword broken which he replaced with a wooden plank he picked up from the floor. "You lot cant touch me in here, and as long as I beat you within the minute you wont get away!" Irota smirked as he created plasma disks from his hands and threw them through the barrier to which it cut my cheek.
"Guys we have to hold out for twenty seconds we can do this!" Arabella called from behind, knowing for well if she was attacked she would take more damage then any of us would.
"got it, Elise!" I called as Elise made a frozen wall around Irota as we all ran to the door waiting for it to open.
"YOU WONT GET HIM!" Irota roared as a massive wave of energy happened in the sky which we all looked towards "That was the demon kings power, oh no Shin!" Irota called as he ran towards the door himself pushing me out of the way to see the door open to an empty white void "no...shin...where are you?" Irota asked weakly as he fell to his knees.
"What happened to Shin?" I asked as I walked towards the door, peaking my head into the white void.
"He is lost to time, the demon kings attack just now made the door go haywire...I have to find him..." Irota spoke brokenly as he stumbled to his feet and tried walking through the door before falling to his knees again.
"We'll go get him, Irota you stay out here we will go find him and maybe then you'll believe we're shins friends." Arabella spoke as she smiled softly looking towards us "Besides this is probably the final gate to get to our Shin," The half mermaid smiled as she wandered through the door casually with everyone following in slight haste worrying for being left behind.

Finally I could feel my throat start to heal, I smiled softly at Maleficent when behind her I saw an image of a four year old me, looking around scared. "Iro whats happening?" He asked as I tried to approach but with every step I took my younger self got further away.
After two minutes of crying I was surrounded by lightning and vanished, who the hell is Irota?

Who is he...and why am I crying right now?

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