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Shinteru was a simple kid in the underworld, he would go out and experience life on a day to day basis. First he would spar with Pain and Panic who would both transform into Hercules making a decent fight, the he would go on a boat ride around the river of the dead saying hi to the wandering spirits. "Hey Shinteru" A voice said as Shin rowed past and waved.
"Good afternoon Kiren, how's Karen doing?" Shin asked as Kiren awkwardly laughed.
"Still a cheating whore" He said sadly.
"You can do better" Shin would normally try and help motivate the spirits with his words but it wouldn't work most of the time.

Next up was Shins training with Hades which lasted most of the morning but this morning was different, he would be attending Auradon Prep today so they would have to skip that today, in fact he had to meet up with the other children today: you had Mal the daughter of Maleficent, Evie the daughter of the Evil queen, Jay the son of Jafar and the son of Cruella De Vill Carlos. They all resembled their parents in some way whether it be because of the hair colour, the personalities or the fact that THEY LITERALLY ALL HAVE SIMILAR NAMES TO THIER PARENTS, MAL IS LITERALLY A SHORTENED VERSION OF MALEFICENT! This annoyed Shinteru due to the unoriginal names they were bestowed but these were only his private thoughts anyway.

"Children gather round your coach is here!" Maleficent said giddily as we all said goodbye to our parents.
"See ya kid, have fun there for the three years of your school" Hades smirked as this Irked the dragon lady maleficent.
"You know they're only there to steal a wand?" Maleficent growled.
"But if they fail I told Shin to stay clear, and blame your kids" Hades smirked as Shin did too.
"Don't worry Hades if all else fails I recorded Maleficent speaking of her plans and PLAN to sell them out" Shin showed his phone which had a video of Maleficent explaining how they would steal the wand.
"Damn kid...get on the coach already you don't want to be LATE!" Maleficent pushed me on the coach as I laughed.
"You shouldn't laugh at your elders Shinteru Asada" Mal told me as I smirked.
"Well i'm a bad guy I don't abide by 'the rules'" I replied.
"Tch, whatever just don't forget the plan" Mal growled as I sat on the side with Carlos and Jay on.
"So you must be Shin how does it feel living in the underworld all the time?" Carlos asked.
"Lovely, it always has a deathly chill running down your spine and it also is fun playing with Cerberus, he is my dads pet" Shin said "A massive three headed dog, but he is kind to the people he knows will kill him if he doesn't play along" Shin smirked as Carlos jumped.
"Oh yeah Shin take this" Hades threw a scroll in for Shin through the window "You know what it does" Hades smirked.
" Shin care to explain what it can do?" Jay asked.
"No" I simply said as the carriage started moving and I jumped out of my seat.
"Whats wrong?" Evie asked not really showing any signs of caring.
"Can I have the window seat Jay?" I asked as he moved over and I puked outside the window "Motion Sickness" I muttered as I vomited out the window staining the pavement with my internal fluids...and a bit of Hell Carrots, my favourite.

The carriage eventually stopped and as I looked out the window I saw the building I was waiting to see, Auradon Prep. "Hey guys before we steal the wand wanna start causing trouble? You know have fun" I asked as I got a fist bump from Evie, Jay and Carlos.
"No thank you" Mal rolled her eyes as I explained the plan and we jumped out the limo.

"Hello Auradon!" I shouted as a prince and a proper woman looked at me confused as we all got into positions.

"Everyone please stay in your seats, the show will begin momentarily" Evie said as the two looked confused and a group of students surrounded us interested in what we had to say.
"Behold the horrors, they lurk beneath the shadows of remorse you wouldn't know of course but I force a new judgement day" I started as Carlos and Jay started dancing like I told them to with Evie dancing a separate dance.
"On this day you will repay, your respects to all that may lurk inbetween your mind and man kind,
So have a seat and be afraid" As soon as I said that word people started fidgeting clearly our show to frighten them was working, the prince though was having none of it.
"And be afraid, fears about to commence the final ritual one body is all we need for this to be complete
and when the day begins to take form, you won't be leaving those doors, you'll only live with us inside our darkness as we tear you up from inside" I growled that last part as I continued singing.
"I was left behind all this torture will unwind, I was never all that kind if you were to rewind then you will find
I was left behind, take your turn to run and hide I will catch you all the time, these nights no longer shines your tears divine you will now be mine" I sang as loads of people ran away scared, in fact the only people left was the proper woman, the prince and a princes who hurriedly stood next to the prince.
"Behold the terrors you wont believe what I will do to you, make you look all brand new oh how cute
but don't digress, I am the ringmaster you see in this horror game you flee I take up every shadow believe me" we started approaching the trio who stayed at the now abandoned courtyard
"now have a seat and grab your light, tears begin to run you dry, but darkened thoughts are the common grounds I give myself to be complete. Be as it may our courtesy remains so we offer our darkest passion take of that blindfold that heals and reveal your soul that dies!" I sang as Mal walked out of the vehicle and walked towards us slowly.
"I was left behind, all this torture will unwind I was never all that kind, if you were to rewind then you will find I was left behind take your turn to run and hide I will catch you all the time. This night no longer shines your tears devine you will now be...mine" I growled that last word as we all started singing the next part.
"YOU DARE BRING YOUR FILTH INTO OUR LAIR? WELL THEN LET US DESCEND, reborn again our suits are now refined, breathing new life, inside our tombs tonight. You have no idea what we've been through that's time and time again. Don't hold it onto our deadliest demise WE CANT KEEP YOU ALIVE-" we got cut off by the voice of Mal singing the next part.
"all this torture will unwind, take it from our broken chimes we have no place to go...but you would know. Take your turn to run and flee, 'cause deaths your destiny stop holding back from me." mal then joined us in our line and we all continued.
"they burned us all down, THEY BURNED US ALIVE, they made us look like clowns, OUR SOULS ARISE, like the jester said to the queen" We all bowed to Mal "There is bad news that I bring" I sung the next part alone.
"NOW LET THE NIGHT BEGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN" I held that note as the others continued singing the chorus.
"We were left behind. all this torture will unwind, we were never all that kind, if you were to rewind then you would find. we were left behind take your turns to run and hide we will catch you all the time. this light no longer shines your tears divine you will now be MINE!" the group held that note and I stepped forward to sing the last part.
"We hope you enjoyed the show, within your graves down below" I finished as the music slowly stopped and we bowed.

"What was that for?" The proper woman asked trying to act calm.

"Im sorry we were told people sing what they feel here, is that not the case?" I asked as the princess ran to us and clapped.
"That was great! You guys were awesome up there!" She smiled as we all looked to each other confused.
"We just said we were planning to kill you and yet you call that awesome?" I asked as she nodded and I smirked "Well there is a we in awesome" I replied as I high fived Carlos and Jay.
"That...was cringy Shin" Mal sighed.
"Well what was that about 'no thank you' to joining us?" I taunted as Mal rolled her eyes.
"I want going to let you guys have all the fun" Mal smirked.
"attention people, thanks for that song it had good singing to it" The woman sweated "I am the Fairy Godmother, your principle" The Fairy God Mother introduced herself.
"Like Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo?" Mal asked.
"Bibbidy Bobbidy You got that right" The Fairy Godmother giggled.
"And I am Prince Ben, son of Belle and Adam, the Beast" Ben introduced.
"I am Mal, daughter of Maleficent" Mal simply said.
"I am Evie, daughter of The Evil Queen"
"I am Carlos, son of Cruella De Vill"
"I am Jay, son of Jafar"
"And i'm Shin" I simply said.
"Son of Hades I presume?" Ben asked.
"Wrong, I'm just in his care for medical treatment" I shrugged.
"Medical Treatment?"
"You cant die if you're in the underworld...unless you fall in the river of dead then you're toast" I simply said casually.
"Wait so you aren't related?" Ben asked.
"Technically no but he is my godfather when I was born my dad made Hades my godfather. That's two gods he is now" I laughed.
"God of death and...godfather to you..." Ben said slowly.
"Yep what else would he be? God of lightning nah that's Zeus besides Hades is more of a flame guy" I said sarcastically with venom in my voice.
"Sorry are you getting mad?" ben asked.
"Yes I am, after all these questions are pointless" I growled "So where is my dorm?" I asked as the Fairy Godmother started the tour.

"Now we have three rooms for you five so one of you will have to sleep in their own solo dor-" I was already in the solo dorm "Bye guys" I slammed the door shut and sighed.
"FUCK they're annoying, so this is why Hades stays in the underground" I sighed as someone knocked at my door and I growled "SPEAK OF THE HADES!" I shouted "WHAT NOW-" I saw it was the princess from earlier, now I'm getting a better look at her I am noticing more about her.
She had red hair and a light blue scrunchie holding it into a pony tail "Hi I was there earlier when you did your song" She introduced.
"Yeah...I remember...Never got your name..." I sighed wanting to finish this conversation now.
"I'm Arabella second daughter of Queen Ariel and King Eric" Arina introduced.

"Shinteru Asada...relative of Hades" He skeptically said.

"Oh I see I was wondering who you would be the relative off, I didn't come up with anything as you aren't like any of the villains I know of" She spoke.

"yeah I know, so why are you here? how may I help with that and can you piss off that would be GREAT!" I growled.

"That's a dollar in the swear jar" She giggled.

"Answer my question or get ignored" I said harshly

"1, to talk with you, 2, by talking with me and 3, after you talk with me" She smiled.

"There I talked with you bye" I slammed the door on her face and heard her complain.

"AW CRUD MY NOSE GOT HIT!" She cried as I laughed.

"I THINK ITS BLEEDING" She cried as I sighed and opened the door seeing she was lying.

"So that was a lie..." I confirmed as she smirked.

"I'm in drama class" She giggled.

"Well that's a 'dollar' in the Lie Jar" I referenced her.

"That's not a thing" She said smirking.

"Bullshit it is" I replied smirking back as I gave her a coin.

"Whats this?" She asked.

"In hell we only use Pounds so there is your 'dollar'" I replied and pushed her slightly, I then slammed the door making sure she wasn't hit by it.

"OW MY NOSE AGAIN!" She cried.

"NOT FALLING FOR IT!" I replied as she walked away "fucking bitch..." I muttered

The Descendants Ascension Book 1Where stories live. Discover now