The bonds I've made along the way

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"Hades...what have you done?" Shin asked as Hades towered above shin glaring with the red tint in his eyes.
"Isn't it obvious boy, Hades returned to his senses and had joined us-" Shin fired a lightning bolt in the queens face whilst still glaring at the lord of the dead.
" done?" Shin asked as Hades said nothing still, a vacant stare going down Shin's spine.
"BRAT STOP ATTACKING ME WHEN IM TRYING TO-" Shin fired another lightning bolt at maleficent cutting her off "grrrr...HADES KILL HIM!" Maleficent ordered as Hades hit me with a punch surrounded by blue flames to the stomach leading me to fall to the floor whilst Hades still stood still.
"Hades aren't you going to follow him? You have a job to do after all" the laughing voice of Jafar suggested as Hades chased after Shin who just landed on the floor.

As I opened my eyes I saw the unconscious bodies of Elise and Arabella around where I landed "guys...are you alive?" I asked slowly as I reached my hand out to Arabella's wrist, hoping to find a pulse, before my wrist got grabbed by Hades as I was picked up and started getting attacked by an onslaught of punches by Hades free fist as I tried to keep my eyes onto Elise and Arabella as I searched for any single sign of life when I witnessed the slow movement in the chest and smiled weakly before getting thrown downwards and kicked in the stomach by my foster dad.
"HADES STOP...I want to finish him off" Maleficent smirked as she turned back human and slowly started approaching us as I was dropped to the floor where I started coughing up blood "You almost had me you know, you should really pick your allies better" Maleficent smirked as Jafar, Hades and the Evil Queen surrounded me leaving an open slot for maleficent to approach "Once a villain always a villain." Maleficent smirked as she prepared to finish me off when a lone icicle got pelted at Maleficent.

"Don't...hurt...Shin..." Elise coughed as a physical tick appeared on Maleficent's forehead as she turned to face Elise.
"The daughter of Queen Elsa...why throw your life away like this?" Maleficent asked before water was splashed on her face and she turned to see this time Arabella.
"We won't...let Shin die..." Arabella coughed "Can't let the man we love die can we?" Arabella smiled lightly as Maleficent walked up to her and smacked her to the floor.
"Your love sickens me...why are you so confident he will even love you back? Or leave you when he gets bored of your company?!" Maleficent shouted as I spat blood in her eyes from where I was being held.
"because I do love them back..." I said struggling but I got to my feet "and I will never be like Hades in that regards" I glared before looking back at Hades behind me "no offense by the way" I said confidently as I started walking towards Maleficent slowly trying not to dislocate any of my legs bones.
"You..I'll dash that love in front of you three then...YOU CAN'T DATE A DEAD MAN!" Maleficent screamed as Maleficent started charging towards me preparing her final attack...

Would you consider hosting Shin in the underworld for a year?

Oh yeah Shin take know what it does

You shouldn't laugh at your elders Shinteru Asada

So you must be Shin how does it feel living in the underworld all the time?

There is a we in awesome

That was great! You guys were awesome up there!

What are you doing near the entrance Shinteru Asada, son of Hades?

you LEARNT Hellfire


But murder isn't what you should resort to Shinteru

She is just worried about you Shinteru don't snap at her!

Wait you are with Mal and the other villains Shinteru right?

You know the deal Shin now turn me beautiful


we wont...let shin...die


I screamed from the top of my lungs as hell fire surrounded me burning both Jafar and Evil Queen who started rolling on the floor screaming in pain and unfortunately whilst it made Maleficent stop her attack Hades' grasp still held me.

"LET ME GO HADES" I screamed as I started struggling against Hades grip which started to loosen.

"HADES YOU BETTER NOT LET GO I WANT MY KILL!" Maleficent ordered as Hades face started changing as I simultaneously used my hell fire with my lightning but unfortunately it did nothing to Hades whilst Maleficent started charging up a fire blast to finish me off...

so this is how I go

I wish I wouldn't have been so revenge based this past week

I hate what I've become

I deserve this

"This is why you were only a one night stand" Said a cocky voice as I got pulled back and Maleficent got burned by a hot orange flame.
"Took your time Hades, I was getting worried" Rezzekod sighed as he walked up to Hades with Zeus following.
"This is why I didn't like him taking in Shin, I could tell you 10 years back he would risk your sons life in order to get back at someone!" Zeus complained as Rezzekod punched Zeus on the shoulder playfully.
"He isn't dead so slow down bolt boy" Hades glared.
"YES BUT HE ALMOST WA-" Zeus' rage was interrupted by Maleficent enraged at what she was watching
"I wasn't controlled in the first place, if I was I wouldn't have held back against those two princesses, speaking of you said earlier you cant date a dead man buuuuut" Hades fingers snapped as I was fully healed and I held the spell sheet I got day 1 in my hands "you can with me around now Shin feel free to use that now" Hades smirked as I smirked back.
"Fine but go heal Arabella and Elise first I want to show off this spell" I laughed as hades laughed back to me.
"Whatever you say" With a click of his fingers Hades healed the two daughters of Ariel and Elsa.
"I'm sorry for letting you worry about me and trying to protect me only to get hurt in my I'll be the one to protect you" I smiled as I burnt the piece of paper that had the spell as a massive three headed dog appeared out of a portal made of fire "Now Maleficent TIME FOR YOU TO DIE!"

The Descendants Ascension Book 1Where stories live. Discover now