Want you gone pt.2

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"Wait you saw me in purple and blue? I don't even have any clothes of that colour that's impossible!" I exclaimed as Jay nodded.
"Well it happened so believe it, besides we thought you would know because it was you." Jay responded as we all sat in a circle, with Maleficent poorly pretending not to listen to our conversation.
"and blue grass doesn't exist either, its green...or have I been in here so long I forgot what colour grass is?" I asked myself as Maleficent sighed from over there.
"Yeah grass is green, a five year old could tell you that," Maleficent growled, having heard enough from our rambling.
"yeah and you would know a lot about five year olds considering what you did to Shinteru." Arabella scowled as the witch smirked.
"Ah I remember now, you were there when I slashed his neck." Maleficent taunted as I sighed, flicking her with a light bolt of electricity.
"Enough taunting Arabella or you wont get out of here." I warned as she turned away from us in a huff.
"Oh yeah, I forgot this was a rescue mission, we have to get you out of here Shinteru." Arabella smiled as I closed my eyes.
"Yeah, lets go. Can you give me a sec though? Wanna go tell Maleficent something, a warning mostly." I reassured as the party got in a circle ready to leave as I approached Maleficent and shocked her.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR, YOU'RE LEAVING NOW SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." Maleficent shouted as she turned to me to see my serious face as I mouthed the following.

I'm coming back for you, don't let that electricity vanish or I can't and you'll be stuck here forever.

I looked at her in her eyes as she nodded "Get out of here, I want some damn silence." The witch scoffed as I smirked.
"Yeah yeah, I'll miss you too. Good luck staying here for the rest of existence." I smirked as I walked over to the party as Arabella and Elise held out their hands which I held, the warmth of their hands comforting me. I missed this. "Oh yeah we're gonna have to sort out what we're doing with our relationship." I muttered so only the girls could here to which they both blushed heavily.

As the party returned to the real world they ran up to the capsule to see me still unconscious, in order to try and make fun of the situation in a good light Hades put a rose in my hand to mimick snow white which the Fairy Godmother scorned but left. "No...he is still there...did the spell not work?" Elise asked as she fell to her knees with tears in her eyes, Arabella gulping as she opened the capsule.
In the background out of the half mermaids eyesight Rezzekod and Hades smirked to the notice of Mal who watched the scene before her as Arabella leaned down and kissed me on the lips, thinking and hoping that it worked. Slowly I opened my eyes and kissed back, knowing my plan had worked and no one was the wiser to it, although I didn't mean to make Elise cry. "Shin..." I heard Mal growl from behind me as I broke the kiss and looked at her.
"Your mother has the exact growl you know." I retorted as I slowly reached down to Elise and wiped her tears "Its okay, I'm back." I smiled softly then looking at Arabella "Thanks for the save Arabella, never thought I would be the damsel in distress though." I chuckled as Arabella backed up letting me sit up and I looked down.
"Sorry you had to rescue me though, I know how dangerous that spell can get..." I sighed as I shook my head.
"I'm glad I've got good friends that are willing to save me though...even if I admit I haven't spent nearly enough time with a few of you." I chuckled looking towards Evie, Jay and Carlos.
"Eh it's fine, you were busy indirectly saving our asses from being our parents clones." Carlos smiled as I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm always doing things for the greater good arent I?" I flexed jokingly.
"Shin..." Hades growled as I looked towards my adoptive father.
"Or did she get the growl from you?" I asked as Hades chuckled at my response, knowing he couldn't intimidate me even if he tried.
"So what're you gonna do now shin? We've decided we're going to be trying being good for a change wanna join us?" Evie asked as I got out of the glass coffin and shook my head.
"Being good is fine and all, but I don't plan on dropping my chaotic nature either." I smirked as I turned to Arabella and Elise "I'll be good for you guys though, still have to meet your parents after all." I joked as the two chuckled and pulled me into a hug.
"Welcome back shin." Arabella spoke as Elise leaned in closer.
"We love you." Elise whispered shyly.
"And I love you two too." I whispered to the two back before breaking the hug "I just have something else to deal with quickly though, I'll be right back don't worry." I smiled as I sprouted my lightning wings and flew over to the isle of the lost, specifically the Sewers which were abandoned now Hades had moved completely to the Underworld again.

Meanwhile in the void Maleficent was staring at the electricity in her hand, making sure not to let it go out. Every now and then it would flicker but only lightly. As she was staring at it the lightning went out, replacing it was me standing there in front of her. "Take my hand, I've got somewhere to hide you." I smiled softly as the villain smiled back.

"So just don't destroy anything or let yourself be known and you'll be fine, oh yeah I'm ordering you some decorations so I don't have to come back here any more and can never see my arch nemesis again." I smirked as she punched my shoulder.
"Thank you for saving me, why did you do it though?" Maleficent asked as I chuckled.
"You are my step mother after all...Well here we are my friend, it's always such a pleasure. Remember when you tried to kill me twice?" I started singing as Maleficent sighed.
"Oh how we laughed and laughed- except I wasn't laughing. Under the circumstances I've been shockingly nice- you want your freedom take it! That's what I'm counting on." Maleficent joined in the singing.
"I used to want you dead but now I only want you gone...She is a lot like you- maybe not quite as heavy now little Mal is in here too."
"One day they woke me up, so I'd be trapped forever it's such a shame the same will never happen to you!"
"You've got your short sad life plans, that's what I'm counting on."
"I'll let you get right too it now I only want you gone." I started walking as Maleficent stopped for a second however she started singing again "Goodbye my only friend- oh did you think I meant you? That would be funny if it weren't so sad."
"Well you have been replaced, she doesn't need anyone else now. If you deleted me maybe you would stop feeling so sad." After this we started singing together.
"Go make some new disaster, that's what I'm counting on, you're someone else's problem now I only want you gone, now I only want you gone, now I only want you gone..."

The Descendants Ascension Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora