The meeting

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a long chinned man was strolling up a flight of stairs, even though he could open portals he wanted to do this to bide time. This flame haired man was smoking a cigarette with an azure flame tipping the cigarette, his name was Hades and he was the ruler of the underworld. A god in his own rights dreading a meeting with other gods was surely an idea that wouldn't exist right? Well this meeting was special, now normally Hades wasn't invited to these events due to the past and trying to take over Olympus...a 'couple' times so why was he invited this time?

"Ah you finally arrived I see...part of me was hoping you'd forget" Zeus said to Hades as all the gods sat around a cloud shaped table made with fine quartz.
"I was told it was mandatory Lightning boy, besides I wouldn't miss the chance to see your smug face again zeusy" Hades said as he looked around and noticed an extra seat which was vacant "Whats with the chair? did we induct a new god into the ranks?" Hades asked as a puff off black clouds formed a chair for the god of the underworld.
"That would be for our guest for today, one of the gods needs help with his son so we were called here to decide what would happen" Zeus explained as Hades looked around and noticed the lightning dragon god, Rezzekod smiling at Hades.
"Why if it isn't my old friend Rezzy, hows the wives and kid?" Hades asked as Rezzekod grinned.
"Not bad, my wife is happy and our son..." Rezzekod looked down for a second "Is why we are here..." Rezzekod said as in a puff of lightning the vacant seat had a child in it.

This child sat casually with his brown hair streaking in a bedhair like manner, his green eyes looked around and his neck shone for some odd reason.
"So this must be Shinteru, it's a pleasure to meet you young man" Zeus said smiling as Shin glared at Zeus and then his dad, suddenly shin sent a lightning bolt flying to his dad who spoke.
"He said 'it is nice to meet you sir, sorry for my rudeness I've just been through a lot'" Rezzekod translated as a small lightning cloud formed next to shin and shin sat ontop of the cloud.
"Ah a mute then? Did Ursula get to this one and steal his voice?" Hades asked smirking as Rezzekod shook his head.
"No...however this pain was inflicted by someone, you see us gods have been allies with mortals since, sorry for reminding you Hades, Hercules married the mortal known as Megara" Rezzekod started as Hades spat out a flame on the floor next to him "until my son got attacked by...a prince" At this the whole room erupted in gasps.
"Wait a prince?!" Zeus asked shocked.
"Yes...shin can you show them?" Rezzekod asked as the light on shins neck dimmed and across his neck was a black scar, hugging his neck painted with a red hue across the edge making the gods gasp more, even Hades was shocked.
"My god...and that was definitely a prince you say Rezzekod?" Zeus asked as the dragon god nodded solemnly.
"The attack was so deep his voice box got cut off with his asophagus and every time he tries to speak...well you see the blood tainting his scar" Rezzekod explained.
"Jesus and I thought I was rutheless...which prince was it Rezzy?" Hades asked seriously.
"That's the thing...they were wearing a mask but they used a dagger only found at the royal prep school of Auradon prep" Rezzekod said.
" truly unjust..." Zeus said sadly.
"So I...think its best if we put him somewhere he cant be hurt for now..." Rezzekod looked at Hades "Would you consider hosting Shin for a decade in the underworld?" Rezzekod asked as Zeus shot up.
"NO! Rezzekod I know you're worried for your son but entrusting him with HADES of all people THATS IDIOTIC!" Zeus shouted angrily.
"Listen Zeus...I trust him...he has done us wrong in the past but he is still my comrade...and I trust him" Rezzekod spoke as he walked to Hades.
" friend" Rezzekod asked as the god in question stood up.

"Fine, just to prove Zeus high almighty wrong" Hades smirked as Shin walked to Hades and bowed "Cheer up slugger you'll be safe for these ten years trust me" Hades smirked.

two years later

"Shin you in here?" Hades asked as he entered Shinteru's room casually.
"Yes Uncle?" Shin asked, throughout the two years shin learnt how to talk but if he got stressed he would revert to bleeding when talking.
"Well I've received an update five people will be allowed into Auradon that were of villain origins" Hades started talking "You're one of these children" Hades smirked.
"Do you think..." Shin started.
"Yes...I think THEY will be there..." Hades once again smirked "Whilst there though you have to do something for me, I overheard that Maleficent, Jafar, Cruella and The Evil Queens offsprings have plans to steal the Fairy Godmothers must stop them" Hades explained.
"But why? Wouldn't it benefit you to have the wand as well?" Shin asked.
"Kid im a god I don't need anything...but I do love fucking over Maleficents plans, she is way too much of a bitch" Hades laughed.
"Then its a deal...either way I would've accepted I mean THAT person might be there...and If I find him...

I'll kill him

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