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"What the...hellfire?" my dad asked as I put my hand down, it had deep red flame dancing around it as the flames turned blue.
"dad..." I muttered as he charged at me with a lightning filled hand and a stern look printed on his face.
"you LEARNT Hellfire" He growled as I caught his fist with my hellfire hand.
"Yeah that's right...Hades taught me it" I growled as I flipped him onto his back and kicked his head which he dodged and jumped to his feet.
"You're a lightning dragon god not a hell fire demon!" Rezzekod shouted as he threw a lightning attack at me which I ate.
"You stopped deciding what I am the moment you betrayed me!" I shouted as I jumped back and started charging a hellfire attack.
"Then this will end it...Lightning dragon gods..." A lightning attack started forming in the gods mouth.
"Hellfire Dragon Gods..." I shouted as a hellfire attack formed in my mouth and we both shouted...


We started firing our attacks as they collided in the middle forming a ball of hellfire and lightning magic, fighting for dominance. "give it up Shinteru I don't want to kill you!" Rezzekod shouted as His attack started to take over my attack.
"NO I WILL GO TO THE BALL AND YOU WONT STOP ME!" I shouted as my attack started taking over and Rezzekod started to struggle.
"Shinteru please!" Rezzekod pleaded as he struggled to keep up his attack.
"IF YOU WANT TO LIVE LEAVE NOW!" I warned as I put all my fire into that attack overwhelming his attack and forcing him to retreat into his realm before I collapsed from using too much magic.

"Ke up...Wake up Shin!" I heard a familiar voice call as I opened my eye and saw Arabella above me.
"Arabella...where are we?" I asked as I looked around the room and saw a distinct scroll on the wall.
"Your dorm...You collapsed after your fight and Elise helped me get you here..." Arabella explained as Elise walked into the same room as us.
"You sure have an emo room Shin" Elise chuckled trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah whatever...I guess now I truly am Hade descendant...more then Rezzekods anyway" I looked away as the two princesses looked down.
"Shinteru...why doesn't your dad want you to go to the ball?" Arabella asked as I looked away.
"Because he is worried I will find whoever did this to me...and kill them" I replied honestly.
"You...are planning to kill this person?" Elise asked slowly.
"Mhm..." I looked away "They took away my chance to live normally in dads realm...so I want them GONE" I sighed honestly.
"But murder isn't what you should resort to Shinteru" Arabella pleaded.
"This person tried murdering ME! I cant just sit down and let that slide!" I argued back.
"She is just worried about you Shinteru don't snap at her!" Elise growled.
"Im sorry...I didn't mean to" I muttered.
"whatever...Shinteru what will you do when you find this person?" Elise asked.
" I already told you, I plan to kill them" I growled.
"You never told me what happened that day, I want to know Shin" Arabella said determined.

After explaining what happened Arabella looked down "but that was five years ago, what makes you think they're still here?" She asked as I smirked.
"I've been looking into this for a long time, trust me I will find them" I chucked as I got to my feet "Well I gotta get ready for the ball, see you two...at the ball?" I asked as the two nodded and walked away.

The ball Is tomorrow...and I have my plan...

I need that wand

The Descendants Ascension Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora