Good vs Evil vs Hades

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Last time on Dragon Ball Z : The ball was upon us and Shinteru found out that his enemy was really Maleficent all this time, she, Jafar, Cruella and the Evil Queen were the ones who stabbed him as a child. Now in the company of the gods: hades, Zeus and Rezzekod as well as his friends Elise and Arabella they prepare to fight the Villains and their children lets see how they do now...

The air crackled as I ran towards Maleficent with a psychopathic grin plastered on my face, this was it I've been training with hades for this day and I can finally...FINALLY GET MY REVENGE! As I thrust my hand forward towards the dragons stomach my wrist got grabbed by Mal who tried to stop my attack.
"Shin don't do don't have to do this, please this doesn't have to end in violence-" Mal tried pleading with me but I couldn't hear her through my rage.
"yes it was fated ever since they stabbed me all those years ago and now I will get my vengeance on her!" I growled trying to pull my wrist away from mal.
"Please don't have to do this-" I had enough...I've had enough of people telling me what I can and cannot I shocked her...I sent just enough electricity to make her let go before continuing to charge at maleficent who started charging a fire breath attack so I charged my lightning breath attack to counter it.

Meanwhile Zeus, Hades and Rezzekod were glaring at their opponents.
"Too bad Shin dibsed killing Maleficent I would've liked to take a crack at her" Hades chuckled as Jafar sent him a menacing glare.
"Why do this, we all want the same thing hades and that is to be allowed outside of that cramped little island so why go against us?" Jafar asked as his pet snake formed into his signature snake shaped spectre.
"I don't know something about that kid makes me want to help him, its probably because this guy is what makes up half of his DNA" Hades smirked as he pointed to Rezzekod nonchalantly.
"Oh are you sure about that JOIN OUR SIDE!" Jafar chanted as his scepter sent a red beam towards hades which engulfed him and made his eyes pure red.
"Hades whats wrong?!" Rezekod asked before Zeus grabbed rezzekod and took a few steps back.
"That's Jafar's mind control, he still has that ability even after he was reverted from being a genie somehow..." Zeus explained before hades turned to the lighning god and his blue flames suddenly turned orange.
"ZEEEEEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSS!!!!" hades roared as he sent a fireball towards zeus who counter attacked with a lightning bolt.
"We have to defeat Jafar if we want to get hades back on our side-" just as Zeus said this he got attacked by a buffed up evil queen.
"You'll have to get through us first you foolish gods, that is if you can defend from us as well as the god of the underworld" She chuckled as she grabbed an apple from her bag and threw them at Zeus which blew up in the gods face.
"OH SHIT GRENADES-" Rezzekod shouted before seeing the evil queen was now frozen solid as Arabella walked up to the evil queen with a hammer and with all her might shattered the now ice sculpture of the evil queen into multiple pieces "Never underestimate the power of our teamwork right Elise?" Arabella smiled as the daughter of Elsa walked towards her and gave her a hi five.
"that's right." She said cooly before looking at Rezzekod and loosing her coolness.
"w-we haven't formerly m-met but im Elise," Elise suddenly acted very proper even though they were in a middle of the place of battle.
"Why are you acting like that Elise, do you recognise him?" Arabella asked forgetting about the time they saw Shin and his fathers fight.
"Y-Yeah that's Shin's dad-" Suddenly Arabella rushed next to Elise's side.
"W-we haven't formerly m-met but I'm Arabella" Arabella copied Elise getting at what was happening.
"UHH HELLO WE WERE FIGHTING" Cruella shouted getting annoyed at the awkwardness but suddenly she got a face full of water.
"CAN IT WE ARE TALKING WITH SHIN'S DAD YOU OLD HAG, AND I THOUGHT THE PERSON I JUST KILLED WAS OLD!" Arabella retaliated as Elise grabbed Arabella's shoulder.
"Calm down, lets just get this over with-" Elise sighed before getting interrupted
"Yeah listen to the cold woman, so cold no on could ever love her-" this time it was Elise.
"CAN IT YOU UGLY OLD COW, I WAS TALKING TO MY FRIEND!" suddenly elise made an ice sword and charged at Cruella only to be countered by hades who melted the sword with ease.
"This is gonna be much more difficult then I thought" Elise growled as she ran back to Arabella, Rezzekod and Zeus's side

Meanwhile at the council of doom- ahem I mean with Shin

The fight has escalated to the skies with Maleficent flying in her dragon form and shin using his lightning wings, both were panting but it was obvious that Shin was winning. "You giving up yet Maleficent? If you are just give up and let me kill you!" Shin growled as he shot another lightning bolt which pierced Maleficents wing.
"ARGHH...YOU IMPUDENT BRAT I KNOW YOU ARE CLOSE TO DEATH I JUST HAVE TO HOLD OUT A LITTLE BIT LONGER" Maleficent growled as she prepared another fire breath which was interrupted by shin who fired a lightning blast down the dragons throat which made her stagger back cancelling her attack. "HOW DARE YOU...I AM A QUEEN AND YOU ARE JUST SOME KID!!!" Maleficent growled.
"Oh I dare, because of you my life has been a living hell and now" Shin reveals the previously hidden wand "It's checkmate, you wont be able to resist the fourth spell I previously mentioned now...all I have to say is the magic words..." Shin smirked as Maleficent backed up a little.
"WAIT I'LL GO HOME I PROMISE YOU WONT EVER SEE MY FACE AGAIN I PROMISE!" Maleficent begged for her life as I smirked.
"Oh really, is that a promise?" I asked as maleficent nodded.
"But if I may say...look behind you...if you want to live" Maleficent gave an evil grin as I turned around quickly to be punched towards the ground by Hades.
As my body landed on the cold rugged floor I looked around to see the unconscious bodies of Zeus, Dad, Elise and Arabella as I grew angry noticing the burn marks on their clothes leading my glare to go from Hades...

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