meeting them

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You and your family had stayed in your new house for 2 days and you were bored in your room on a saturday night because you hadn't started school yet so you decided to go live on tiktok and talk to some followers.

You sat your phone up on your vanity and sat on the seat playing some music

you: hey everyone, i'm bored and i've not been live in a hot minute so i thought i should take to you guys :)
user: how have you been ?
user: i love you💕💕
user: relationship status
user: where did you move to
NickStuniolo: wow me and my brothers live exactly there too !!
user: Oh look @ChrisStuniolo brunette and brown eyes 😍😍😍

You: uh i've been good just pretty tired tbh i just moved but the house is nice i like it i'll give you guys a house tour if that's something interesting
you: i love you tooooo
you: single 🤌🏽
you: Massachusetts Somerville area 🙃
you saw the NickStuniolo comment and clicked on the profile since you'd never seen him before but he had loads of followers
you: awww do you guys that's cool i'll probably run into you guys at some point
you: brunette with brown eyes what
you laugh
you: how do you even add people to this wait
you added the triplets account but it was just two boys
you: hey ? *laugh*
???: hi
you: i thought you were triplets ? and what's ur names omg
Nick: well i'm Nick
Matt: i'm Matt and we have another brother Chris but he's in a bad mood and i'm his bed
you: oh why's he being moody ?
Nick: i stole his nose
they laugh
you laugh as well
you: what ?
Matt: wanna go see him ?
you: yeah sure
they pick up the phone and walk upstairs to Chris's room
Nick: look Chris who you simp for
Chris didn't even turn and look at the camera he just lay in bed on his phone
Chris: bro actually fuck off
they just leave
Matt: moody ass
you laugh
Nick: well Matts a simp too
you laugh
you; so where do you live near ?
Nick: well-
Matt: actually nah, not on live
you; oh yeah your right, wait one of you dm me rn and i'll send my number ?
Matt: for sure
Nick: send it to me
he laughs
you: okay, you okay guys i'm gonna go then but thank you for the gifts please don't send them tho i love you all byeee


Hey gorl


send me your number
so we can face time


You got into your bed and opened your Macbook so you could talk to them on that and just chill on your phone. A few minutes later you got a call from a number that was obviously Nick so you answered.

you: hey gorls
Nick: hey
Matt: hello
you: so what part do you live in ?
Nick: *place*
you: NO WAY, i live like Broadway, Wallace st
Nick: so you rich rich
you laugh
Matt: we live like 10 minutes away it's about two blocks away Beacon st
you: oh cool. what school ?
Nick: Somerville High School
you: ok good i'll know three or well two people
Matt: Chris will be pissed he missed this tbh he's just in a bad mood cos he's tired
you: yeah

you ended up staying on facetime to Matt and Nick overnight. You took some pictures on facetime and posted them on your spam.

(Matt and Nick are doing superman pose when yk someone's on the feet and the other lays down yeah thay ok)

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