"we've hardly spoke"

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a week later

you'd been in LA for a week now and you'd been working 24/7. you hadn't been out with any friends since the first night you got to LA. you were leaving your apartment at no later than 10 every day and getting home at 11 at night so you were exhausted and had very little time to text anyone.

11:30pm tuesday

you unlocked your apartment door and walked in going straight to the kitchen to have some chicken and bacon ceaser salad you'd made the night before. you grabbed the salad, a fork and went over to the couch to finally put your feet up. as you were eating your phone rang, you turned it over onto its back and seen it was a phone call from Chris so you answered.

you: hey baby
Chris: hey...
you: what are you doing ?
Chris: in bed, what about you ?
you: i literally just got home and i'm eating salad from yesterday i'm so tired
Chris: can i ft you ?
you: yeah
he changed the phone call into a facetime
Chris: you look exhausted Gab
you; i know i am really tired
Chris: i get your really busy and everything but i feel like i've hardly spoke to you all week
you: i know i feel like i've hardly spoke to anyone as well i've just got so much to do
as you were talking you were rushing around your apartment putting dishes away then doing writing work you had to do for Jenna and studio 20
Chris: see even like now your working..
you: i know Chris but i have to i don't want to be tired 24/7 and not be able to go out with my friends or fucking be home with my family, closest friends and boyfriend !
Chris: i understand that but i miss you Gabriella, your my girlfriend i want to be with you and talk to you as much as i can
you: and im trying Chris and i get that and i love that you care but it shouldn't be like this much longer im just so so busy. i promise i'll try get off a little next week but for now my career is so important and i gotta do whatever i need to do for it to work out
Chris: okay well im gonna go then and let you finish off just text me in the morning
you: okay i will
Chris: goodnight
you: goodnight
Chris: i love you
he hung up before you could even say anything back so you just continued writing. after about an hour you finished all the work you had to do. you took a quick shower then passed out in your bed.


Chris was chilling in his bed on his phone in a bad mood because he missed you and loved you but he felt things not working. he did know why he felt like it wasn't working but he didn't wanna accept it. he was just watching tiktoks of you guys when Matt, Nick and Alana walked in

Nick: hey
Matt: drive ?
Alana: i'm here also 🤟🏽
Chris: nah bruh
Matt: oh come on
Nick: hurry up we gotta film
Chris rolled his eyes and got out of bed. everyone out their shoes on and went out to the car. Matt started to drive to a random car park and Chris set up the camera. they were filming and video just talking about topics fans said on instagram.
(Alana is their friend, you (gabriella) know her through the triplets)

Nick: what's up guys
Matt: hey
Nick: today were basically just talking about random things you guys asked about on our instagram
Matt: and our friend Alana is here to join
Alana: heyyy
Matt: why you not talking bro ?
Chris: i'm tried
Nick: don't kill the vibes
Chris rolled his eyes and went onto the instagram to look for topics to talk about but the car was silent
Chris: well someone say a fucking topic to talk about instead of staring at me my god bro
everyone just kinda looked at each other awkwardly and moved on
Matt: alright first topic is biggest fears ?
Alana: mine is honestly death like anything to do with it and like that including losing people and stuff
Chris: that's a good one
Nick: mine is birds. end of. period.
everyone laugh
Matt: mine is probably idek bro heights ? idk maybe even death like Alana 🤷🏻‍♀️
Chris: mine is heights 100% bro that shit is just not for me i don't fuck with it
they talk about a few more random things, Chris was still not feeling 100% and it was noticeable to everyone, he wasn't trying to but you could just tell he wasn't in a good mood.
Nick: a lot of people just said Gabriella... and idek what that means so we can all just talk a little about her because we miss you so much Gabby come back please !!
Matt: yeah miss you dawg
Alana: come home !!
Chris was on his phone not really paying attention
Nick: uh okay Gabriella is literally one of if not literally my bestest friend ever i love her with my full heart and yeah. when she moved we just got so close but i know people weren't asking for me to say it's more between Matt and Chris with that one.
Alana: i've only met Gabriella a few times but so nice we're friends and have like more stuff planned to do
Matt: Gab is my homie. she's like who i go to for advice she's always got the best advice. nothing romantic ever that's always been on Chris
Matt pats Chris's back and they laugh
Chris: uh idk what i'm meant to do Gabriella is my girlfriend ?
Alana: that's it ?
Chris: what the story ?
Matt: i guess they want it idk
Chris: it's a long story just we've always liked each other since she moved but things were a little harder in the beginning and every other time anything's been going on somethings happened to like mess it up or it's just not worked because of me or her. not even like cheating just like things going on idk how to explain
Nick: basically they're soulmates !!!
Chris: enough
Matt: bro wha-
Alana: shhh
Nick: literally all of these are about Gabriella i can't
they laugh
Chris was scrolling through them as well
Chris: i'm gonna answer this quickly too because i've seen it like 100 times. "does it bother you seeing Gabriella and other guys out in LA since the media make everything into a dating rumour". all i'm gonna say is i know what paparazzi are like because e literally every celebrity says it's all bullshit.
Matt: exactly i seen an article about Gabriella supposedly saying she hated Nick, loved me and never dated you, like what..
they all laugh
Chris: if you trust your partner shitty news articles shouldn't bother you. is it nice to see ? no. 100% not but anything gets made into something all the time.

they talked a little more and did a few more questions before ending the video and heading back home after dropping Alana home. Nick got straight to editing so the video could be out that night. Matt and Chris played COD together while Nick edited and posted the video.

video comments

- love the new video guys !! but Chris seems so upset.. is he okay ?? 🥰

- Chris so mad for what 😂

- Chris and Gabriella must be fighting or sun shit my man in such a bad mood...

- whenever anyone talking about Gabriella why Chris mad as hell... 😐

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