pr stunt

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Nick, Matt and Chris had left LA about 3 weeks ago now. it felt really lonely now that you'd had a taste of "normal" for a small amount of time and now it was back to working 24/7. you absolutely loved your work and were so grateful that you got to do what you loved but it was showing you that you could have everything you ever wanted and still not be happy...

wednesday 4:30, you'd just got in from a shoot for Charlotte Tilbury's new makeup collection which you had been at since 10:00am. you got in took a shower ect then changed into this to head to a meeting with Jenna and your team. you put your hair up in a bun, grabbed your purse and sunglasses then left.

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when you arrived you checked in at the front then walked round to the main meeting room where everyone is. you walked in and sat down in your seat.

you: hey guys
everyone: afternoon
Jenna: hey darling, how are you ?
you: i'm good, you ?
Jenna: fabulous. ok let's get right into the main thing we need to discuss
you: yeah
Jenna: ASAP Rocky ?
you: yes...
Jenna: he has a new album coming out, a new song first though.
you: okay ?
Jenna: his team reached out and we both think a PR stunt with the two of you would be great for the new cover launch and his new album/ song
you: okay
Jenna: so what do you think ?
you: i mean.. Chris and i just kinda broke up and-
Jenna: Gabriella this isn't real babe... it's just to benefit you both. Chris would understand
you: would the public not start dissing me for "moving on" too fast ?
Jenna: you won't start for another 3-4 weeks
you: i don't know Jenna...
Jenna: you have 2 days to think things through anyway, okay !
you: okay

for another hour you spoke about some career netting things then you left. when you got home you just relaxed on the couch for a little then you decided to facetime Chris to talk to him about well everything....

Chris: what up
you: hey
Chris: what ya doinnnn
you: i just got in i was at a shoot then a meeting
Chris: work work work constant, you need a break
you: yeah... well i gotta actually talk to you about something
Chris: oh... yeah what's up ?
you: well Jenna said to me there she wants me to do a relationship thing with ASAP Rocky.... and idk how i feel and then like us and stuff idk...
Chris: well do you wanna do it ?
you: idk... it probably will help the cover and his songs whatever
Chris: do it then
you: would you not be like bothered...
Chris: i mean we aren't together are we ?
you just looked away it kinda hurt to hear that
you: i guess not.. no
Chris: well then go ahead
you: oh... okay
it got a little awkward
you: what are you doing ?
Chris: just playing video games, did our youtube video earlier, Nicks editing
you; can i see them
Chris: yeah
he takes his phone and walks through to the kitchen where Matt and Nick are sitting on their phones
you: heyyyyy
Matt: hey, how are you ?
you: exhausted. I MISS YOU GUYS
Matt: we miss you too
Nick: wyd !!!
you: i literally just got in i'm about to go for a nap
Matt: well facetime us tomorrow then, get some rest because tbh you look like you need it Gab
you: okay i will
you smile at eachother over the facetime
Nick: bye love you
you: love you guys
Chris: later

you hung up the facetime and put on your music to take a little nap. you didn't know why it hurt hearing Chris say that... but it did, it stung a little. maybe he was just mad about it ? or maybe he didn't feel the same way anymore...


side note

stage name: ASAP Rocky name: Rakim Mayers he's a music artist, not only rap in this !! age: 22

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stage name: ASAP Rocky
name: Rakim Mayers
he's a music artist, not only rap in this !!
age: 22


friday 1:30pm

you finished off your makeup and hair then left to go back to the office for your other meeting. you signed in as usual then walked round to the main meeting room. you walked in but this time Rakim and his team were there as well. you said hello to everyone then sat down in your seat which was beside him.

Rakim: what up
he smiles at you
you: hi
you smile back

John  (Rakims manager)

John: so let's get into this then. Jenna and i have discussed matters already and we both think this will benefit you both massively
Jenna: the whole being seen together ect won't start for another couple weeks so Gabriella you don't need to worry about what anyone thinks about the moving on too fast or whatever
you: okay
John: Rankim what do you say ?
Rankim: i'm down
John: Gabriella ?
you: yeah let's do it

Rankim looks at you and smiles while Jenna sits a contract to sign in front of you both. it was just saying you'll never say it was for publicity basically. you both signed it then discussed other business matters.

while you were walking out of the office room and to the exit of the building, Rankim caught up with you and tapped your shoulder. you turned to face him and smiled

you; oh hi
Rankim: hey, i know this full thing doesn't go public for another month or so but so it's not really awkward id like to get to know you more fr
you: yeah
Rankim: so here is my number and i'm having a few friends round my place tomorrow for a few drinks just hanging if you wanna come ?
you: i'd love that ! i need to check i've noticed got anything on but i hope i can and if not 110% another time
Rankim: ight cool, stay safe
you smile and walk out to the car and go back to your apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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