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A few weeks later (don't play music)

Things were all good with you and Matt again, still the same with Chris and you and Nick got a lot closer. Amy and Kelly had kinda been bitchy to you but you really didn't care and Devin was still your bestie. you had a lot of modelling things coming up and life was good. school was off for a week because of inset days.

You were just chilling in your house with your parents on a Tuesday night and Nick called you
you: hey
Nick: hey, wanna film a q&a with us ?
you: yeah ofc, when ?
Nick: an hour ?
you: yeah let me get ready. where we doing this
Nick: Chris or Matts car
you: aww okay, tell one of them to come get me in 45 minutes
Nick: god making me cause a fight
you laugh
you: shut up i gotta go get ready now miss late notice
Nick: still love us tho !!!
you: yeah yeah
you hang up the phone and start getting ready, you took a shower, did your makeup, did your hair, changed into cute clothes and waited to get picked up.

10 minutes later Chris called you you: heyChris: i'm outside rnyou: okay two minutes Chris: word

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10 minutes later Chris called you
you: hey
Chris: i'm outside rn
you: okay two minutes
Chris: word.
you: that's Chris here guys so i'm gonna go shoot this youtube video then probably hang for a bit can we come here and hang for a little ?
dad: sure baby
you: thank you
mom: be safe
you: i will bye
dad: love you
you: love you too
you walked out your house and down to Chris's car. Nick and Matt were in as well so you got in the back with Nick.
Matt: what up
you: yo
Nick: alright where we going for food ?
you: idc
Matt: mcdonald's
Chris: yeah ?
Nick: yeah
you: yea
Chris drove to mcdonald's for everyone's food then just to a space in a parking lot and set up the camera.

Nick: hi guys
Matt: hey
Chris: what up
Nick: first thanks for 100k that's actually crazy
Matt: i know thank you guys
Chris: love you all
Matt: we're doing a q@a w-
Nick: we all have the questions on our phones
Chris: oh we're with Gabriella btw
you: hey, i was waiting on my intro
they all laugh
you: i'm nervous
Chris: why 😂
you: idk
Matt: give me some fries
you: take em i don't want them anyway
you give Matt your fries
Nick: okay so can we start
Matt: go then.
Chris: Matts being moody all day today guys
you: this video is gunna have sm fighting in it and btw all come to mine when we're done this
Chris: why
they all laugh
you: to hang out ?
Matt: ohhhhh
you: why you shouting-
Chris: ik go forst question
Nick: ok what age do you plan on moving out ?
you: well for me i think it would be easier since yk i don't have any siblings especially not like triplets your all so close
Chris: yeah
Matt: i can't imagine not like seeing you both every day
Nick: yo same that would be so weird  
Chris: Gabriella carry on
you: oh yeah and like i live my parents house like it's really big and nice and i don't like being alone so probably as late as possible
Chris: same for me tbh i don't like being alone and being away from Chris and Matt nah
nick: probably like 20-22
Matt: that's LATE bro-
you: late is like 25+
Chris: dumb ass question idk 20 ?
Matt: same
Chris: next question best and worse thing abiut bring  "famous"
Matt: that's more at like Gabriella
you: i'm not famous tf
Nick: i mean before i knew you i conciseness
you famous and out of all of us your like famous
you: nah about being an influencer
Chris: feel like for girls it's a lot worse than guys online and stuff like we've all got our following but Gabriella your way more known and have sm more attention on you than us if that makes sense
you: wore part is all the negativity and the best part is you can legitimately make a difference in peoples lives like i've done a make a wish hoe fucking crazy is that
Nick: yo fr.
you: yeah
Matt: i agree with Gabriella
Nick: same
Matt: ok next who does the most drugs...
you: wow- i don't do drugs😁
Matt: who drinks the most then
Nick: 110% you
he point at you and Chris
Chris: Gabby ! you liar
Matt: i'd just say one of them
Nick: just a party thing yk get together
you: yeah
Chris: mhm
you: stfu
you: okay let me do one if you could go back in time and change something what would it be
Nick: i would change being friends with her
you: BITCH-
you and Nick start play fighting
Matt: Nick and Gabriella together are a nightmare
Chris laughs
Matt: that's a hard one this will get deep probably the last person i dated like nah bruh
Chris: bro that one
they shake hands
Nick: i would idk something to do with an ex talking stage probably
Chris: idk i wouldn't change anything, it is what it is
you: awwww Chris you good
you put his arms around his chair and him your being sarcastic tho
Chris: one thing you don't know about Gabriella is she's a sarcastic bitch
they all laugh
Matt: what about you ?
you: my ex too probably like fuck that wish i dodged that one
Nick: ooooo Matt and Chris about to kill a mf
you all laugh
you go back and fourth answering questions for 10
more minutes then Nick asks the final question
Nick: okay last question this has been asked a lot btw before i get beat up. have you and your brothers ever liked the same girl guess you can't rly answer
you: yeah
Chris: i mea-
Matt: yeah, probably at point
Nick: i'm gay so 💅🏼
they laugh
you do an outro then Chris drives to your house. you take the boys inside and they meet your dad for the first time. they all take their shoes off and you take them through to the living room where your parents were.
you: hey guys
mom: hey baby, hello boys
dad: alright ?
Chris: hi Mr Perez
dad: just call me Hugo
Nick: hi Hugo
Matt: hey

play song

you stay and talk to your parents for a little then you get some snacks and stuff from the kitchen and go
outside to the chairs around the fire pit. you loved sitting outside at night around the fire pit just chilling. you and the boys stayed up until 4am just having a deep conversation about life and opening up and stuff
you: so Chris why don't you date them ?
Chris: idk i could get any girl i wanted and i would always get with girls and stuff but it gets boring and then i kinda liked this girl and we started dating and she cheated on me it didn't even hurt me a lot it just made me annoyed because all that time and effort to get cheated on ? when i can just do whatever i want with whoever i want ? sound better to me.
Nick gave Chris a look cos he kinda used the wrong words
Matt: how about you
you: uhh- i don't really talk about this
Nick: if your not ready you don't have to
you: i mean i guess it's time to open up a little
Chris: you don't have-
Matt: shut up, talk Gabriella
you: well my ex boyfriend like i was INLOVE with this guy, like i would've done anything for him and we dated and at first it was amazing and i was so happy but as time went on he would just treat me like shit. he cheated on me, he manipulated me, he-...
you take a deep breathe and Chris rubs your back and holds your hand, Matt saw and got sad but he tried to hide it, Nick saw it tho
you: he hit me.
Matt: what !!
Nick; i will beat his ass
you giggle
you: and-
Chris: you don't need to keep going
you smile at him
you: yeah so he hit me and it kinda went on for a little bit one day he like grabbed by the neck and choked me really badly but i would always forgive him because i thought i loved him but finally i ended it 7 months later idk we moved here and i realised i was just attached to him, i didn't love him or i did but i fell out of love long before i realised it
you: but anyways i'm a model
all the boys laugh
you: yous wanna stay tonight ?
Nick: YEA
Matt: i'm down
Chris: yeah
you; okay i'll take you to guest rooms
you went inside, locked the back doors, went upstairs, gave Nick a room, then Matt across the hall and last took Chris to the one along the hall (unintentionally)
you: just in here
Chris turns and looks into your eyes
Chris: thanks for opening up to me a little
you: yeah..
Chris: seriously
you: i know your all my best friends i love you guys
Chris: we love you too
you; goodnight Chris
he gives you a long hug and you go to your room, cry a little listening to some sad songs with your airpods in and go to sleep.

Matt was laying in the bed a few rooms away from you. all he wanted to do was go to your room and sit with you or stay with you but he didn't get out his bed. he couldn't tell why seeing Chris being the one comforting you and making you feel safe and ok make him so sad. like it hurt him. Matt liked you and he knew it but would never admit it out loud one because he doesn't think you feel the same and two his ex is just annoying to anyone new. he didn't want to lose you as a friend either.

Chris lay in the spare room bed as well just staring at the ceiling, contemplating going into your room just to be near you, you were irresistible to Chris but he knew you had your guard up and you taking about why was just the first tiny step to get any closer. Chris didn't like to think about him liking you but the truth is he was falling for you so hard and wouldn't come to terms with it he would never cut you off tho he cares too much and he knows Matt has something for you but the fact he made you feel safe and less sad made him so happy deep
down and you guys holding hands kept replying in his head.

Nick fast asleep.... he loved you tho and was happy you opened up but passed out asleep in the comfy bed.

you tube video comments

user: sorry the way Chris says "gabby" and looks at her is the cutest thing ever i can't 🥺

user: Chris is inlove with Gabriella. Matt is inlove with Gabriella. Gabriella is delusional and Nick is just stuck in the middle playing happy family 😂😂

user: Gabriella look like she got feelings for Matt and Chris tbh-


user: just let the girl live man, she's gorg 🥰 you can't lie, they all imlove w her shit the full school probably is !!

user: the fact Gabriella said impacting peoples lives and they all hurt agreed 🥰😂

user: ship edit account are READY.

user: really great video guys !!! never fail to make me smile love you and Gabriella sm 💗

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