the party (+ other characters)

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don't play song
Friday 5:00pm

Chris drive round to your house a little after school so you could do your project together. He got his license finally after months so he could just drive himself round. You heard the doorbell go so you answered and ask you expected Chris was there.
you: hey
Chris: hey
you: come in come in
Chris walks in and takes his shoes off
Chris: wtf your house is dope
you: oh thank you
Chris: let's get this stupid government project over with so we can relax next week
you: yeah !!

You took Chris upstairs to your parents office room since it had desks and stuff in their just so it was easier. Two hours later you had finished most of your project so you guys just wanted to leave it until next week then add some finished touches.

Chris: well i'll get out your way and-
you: you don't need to leave rn
Chris: fr ?
you: obviously, unless you wanna just do the project and go
Chris: nah nah i'll stay
you; wanna watch bojack horseman ?
you give him a 😁
Chris: FINE
you; wooooooooo let's go
you start running away from Chris and too your room, Chris tan after you
Chris: your house is like a fucking maze
you laughs and go get him then take him to your room. you both get into your bed and watch bojack on netflix for a few hours and made some
tiktoks. your parents got home from work and it was starting to get late so Chris went home.


Matt: hey think we're going
to throw a party tomorrow

awww cool

Nick: you best come

maybe idk party's aren't
really for me

Chris: please❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥



Matt: everyone's coming at
like 7 so come at 6 ?



You started to get close with a girl called Devin but you call her dev so she's like your girl best friend.

You started to get close with a girl called Devin but you call her dev so she's like your girl best friend

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this is Dev ^^

this is Dev ^^

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