some things arent meant to be

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3 days later

you were only in NewYork for 3 days doing some shoots and you had lots of fun. Nick and Matt were going to pick you up at the airport when you landed. you hadn't spoke to Chris since the first day you came to NewYork and you guys had that argument, you thought that by now he would've dropped it and texted you or something but he hadn't.

after your hour and 15 minute flight
(yes u googled it). you got your bags ect then walked to the pick up bit. Nick started running at you, he grabbed you and gave you a massive hug

you: acting like you haven't seen me in months
Nick: shut up and take it
Matt walked over and gave you a hug then you guys walked out to Mary's car and he started driving home.
you: so how's it been in Somerville ?
Nicks shitty
you: oh how ?
Matt: been a boring ass few days bro
you: cause i wasn't here !!
Matt: pretty much
you laugh
you: how's Chris ?
Nick: have you not spoke ?
you: nope
Matt: oh.. why?
you: idek because i had to stay with Elliot for one night basically
Nick: what is up his ass ?
you: right ! like i really tried not to but my team told me i need to and obviously you don't wanna cause hassle or anything
Matt: yeah i get you but i also get him
you: no 100% get where he's coming from but i couldn't do anything about it and i tried to make up and he just cut me off so i'm not texting him again
Matt: fair enough

on the way to your house you guys stopped at mcdonald's and got some food then just drove to yours. they came in to see your parents and stuff. you all sat downstairs for a bit then you three went up to your room and Matt and Nick helped you unpack. then you all just chilled for a few hours then they went home.

you watched a movie with your parents then you all went up to your bedrooms. you were just chilling on your phone then Chris called you.
you: hello ?
Chris: hi, i'm outside
you: my house ?
Chris: yeah
you: why..
Chris: to talk ?
you: i need to get ready
Chris: out on a hoodie and come out i've got my car
you: give me 5
Chris: cool

you quickly changed into some grey sweat pants and a white hoodie, you put on some nick socks then your airforce and went out to the car. you could tell off of Chris's voice he was still mad but you were glad he wanted to talk.

when you got into the passenger seat and Chris started driving you just felt awkward energy. you didn't want to break the silence but finally Chris did.

Chris: how was NewYork ?
you: good yeah
Chris: what did you get up to ?
you: just working really
Chris: you and Elliot's "date" looked pretty fun
you just rolled your eyes
you: Chris shut up, seriously don't do that
Chris: i'm asking a question ?
you: it was great tbh
Chris got mad and looked away and kept driving. the silence was awkward again
you: i thought we weren't doing this anymore ? 
Chris: doing what ?
you: when one of us is mad we weren't gonna be immature and go in a mood and make things bad again. we were gonna talk. communication, yeah it's a thing
Chris: i did communicate i told you how that would make me feel and you done it anyway
Chris: yeah yeah
you: what you don't believe me ?!
Chris: no
you: cool drop me off here
Chris: no
you: Chris let me out of the car. fr
Chris: fine

he stopped the car and you got out and started walking away. you were trying to hold back tears and you didn't even know why you were so upset. you just kept walking then Chris's car pulled up beside you and he rolled the window down.

Chris: get in the car
you: no
Chris: Gab now !
you; fuck off
Chris: ugh !

he got out the car, grabbed you and put you back into the passenger seat. you didn't go down without a fight ofc 💅🏼 but he was stronger than you and managed to get you in.

Chris: okay let's talk
you: no
Chris: Gabriella don't.
you: wdym "Gabriella don't" Chris your being pathetic and your calling me a liar. if i wanted to be with fucking Elliot i would be ok. if i wanted to be with Jaden i would be. i want to be with you. i hate when your like this and you always say oh i trust you not the guys.. that's not true you don't trust me and i don't wanna be with someone who doesn't trust me
Chris: so what are you saying ?
you: i'm saying i want to be with you but not if you don't trust me
Chris: i do..
you: but you don't-
Chris: Gabriella stop
you: no, you've made me feel like shit my full trip away. "u too" ? are you kidding me ? how immature are you
Chris: i was mad
you: well yk what i'm mad now so ?
Chris: you have no reason to be mad at me Gabriella. i'm not out here staying at other girls places ?
the awkward silence again, you both just kinda sat there. you looked away out your window trying to hold back your tears but you couldn't they all fell from your eyes and rolled down and off your cheeks. Chris noticed and turned your face to face him. he wiped the tears from your face and pulled you into a hug

Chris: i'm sorry if i made you feel shitty Gabriella okay ? but it hurts me seeing you with other people. i get you can't control the news reports and things get twisted but it's hard to see you hang and be friends with all these guys that i know have intentions with you

you just stayed quiet and stayed hugging into Chris's chest. you got what he was saying but you couldn't just never speak to people you considered friends again because sometimes you had to do stuff like that for work.
you; can you just take me home ?
Chris: yeah
you sat up from leaning on Chris's chest and sat uo right on your seat, you just rested your head on your hand and watched out the window. Chris could tell you were upset so he put his hand on your leg but you just ignored it. when he got to your house, Chris tried to go in for a kiss but you just got out of the car
you: night
Chris: Gab..
you pretended you didn't hear and went inside then straight to your room. you changed into some shorts and went into your bed and cried listening to your playlist. you didn't want to lose Chris and breakup but sometimes things just didn't work out.. and maybe you guys just weren't meant to be ?



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liked by lar.ray and thousands of others
caption: i'm a pretty ass crier 💅🏼

lar.ray: who i gotta beat up ???
- no one 💕💕

fan: aw bby !! i hope your okay. your good enough and we all love you so much <3 you got this. your a role model to so many people ❤️❤️
- love you bby

user: is it weird i'm so attracted to this photo ?
- nah

user: here we go again !!! her and Chris on, off, back on, back off

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