1 week later

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you'd been back home in Massachusetts for about a week now and everything was pretty normal apart from the face you had been ignoring Chris, in school, his texts, his everything you couldn't face him you didn't have the energy for it. finally after a long week at school it was the weekend and you were having a sleepover with Nick and hanging with Matt.

you were packing a bag to stay overnight with Nick, just showering and getting ready. once you were out the shower you changed into some pj bottoms and put on a hoodie that was one of the boys you didn't actually know who's.

(it was Chris's but you didn't know)

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(it was Chris's but you didn't know)

you were downstairs sitting with your mom and dad for a bit talking about your career and school stuff.
dad: so what are you thinking about school ?
you: wdym ? like leaving ?
mom: yeah
you: well i think i'm at a place where i could and i do want to because schools not really for me
dad: well if you think about it more serious then you could drop out but only if you take up modelling full time and are making stable income off everything you do
you: i already am to be honest
mom: we'll talk about this another time just go to Nicks
you: okay bye
dad: love you bye
you: love you

you grabbed your keys and drove your car to the boys house. on the way you kinda wanted a starbucks so you called Matt first.
Matt: what up
you: hey, want anything from starbucks ?
Matt: ehh yeah actually can you get me a Frappuccino
you: sure. does Nick want anything ?
Nick: get me a caramel one pls
you: ok and uh... Chris ?
Matt: he's out dw
you: oh okay i'll see you soon
you hung up and drive to starbucks before heading to their house. you were relieved that Chris wasn't in because he would probably be out late since it was a friday night. you wanted to see him so bad but you couldn't do that to yourself. you got the drinks and went to the triplets house. you knocked them just walked in.
their mom: GABRIELLA
you: hiiii
their dad: alright Gabriella ?
you: yes, you ?
their dad: great
(idk their names btw)
their mom: i haven't seen you in such a long time
you: ik !! i've missed you
he gives you a massive hug then Nick came downstairs and got you
Nick: thank you for the drinks but let's go
you: okay
you grabbed Matts drink and took it to his room with Nick, you two stayed their for a little bit just messing around. you made some tiktoks and took some selfies since you hasn't hung out with them properly since you'd been back. you really missed them so you were having a catch up.
Matt: so was LA good ?
you: yeah, really good.
Nick: we should all go some time
you: definitely
Matt: fr, wanna book it ?
you: yeah let's
Nick: for when ?
Matt: well i'm leaving school in like two weeks so i'm free whenever
Nick: oh yeah, same actually
you: are you guys dropping out ?
Matt: yeah, gonna do social media fully and like we got some qualifications in shit so
you: okay well i am too cos if you guys can i can
you: welp what can i say ?
you all laugh and start looking for flights and stuff to LA. you didn't book anything but you were definitely  going to soon, you guys just chilled for a little bit in your phones then Nick broke the ice
Nick: hate to be the one to mention it but... Chris what's going on i guess ?
you: nothing, i haven't spoke to him in like two weeks...
Matt: well we know what happened but-
you: there isn't any buts tho... i don't even wanna talk about it tbh i wanna have a good time with you guys i've missed yous a lot and had a lot on my mind recently i need my besties
Nick: YEAH.
Matt: wanna go a drive
Nick: YEAH
you all put your shoes on and got into your car. you had music blasting and were just talking about memories you guys had.
Matt: remember when we first met
Nick: we are literally this close off a tiktok live... TF
you all laugh
you: i literally came a drive with three strangers...
that's when it hit you the full thing with you and Chris, you were strangers, bestfriends, your weird thing and now literally nothing
Matt: wild bro
you guys just vibed to some music for about an hour then you drive back to their house. when you got back it was 10pm so you all went in and chilled in the living room for a little. Matt went to his room to play his playstation and you and Nick went to his room and did some face masks and gossiped.
Nick: sooo Jaden mf Smith... what's the real tea
you: genuinely none. we have just known eachother our full lives...
Nick: no attraction ?
you: well yeah there is but-
you: stfu i- like we haven't ever kissed or anything like that
Nick: it's all Chris went on about
Nick: FUCK... didn't mean that. don't say a word
you: pinky
Nick: promise... thank god
you and Nick stayed up pretty late watching funny videos and snapchat memories of you all. around 2am you both fell asleep but you woke up and had to use the bathroom a little later so you quietly went to the bathroom. you did the toilet, washed your hands then walked back to Nicks room quietly. as you were walking you heard someone coming and they turned the light on. it was Chris..... he looked so high and smelled like alcohol too
Chris: G-Gabriella... ?
you just gave him a fake half smile and tried ti walk away
Chris: Gabby don't-
you: no Chris you don't.
Chris: you haven't answered any of my calls or texts...
you: because you kissed another girl at MY birthday party and i completely get we didn't officially "go out" but idk what else you would call it you trying to "prove yourself" when i knew i should never of trusted you
Chris: you know what Gabriella. fuck you. fuck you for thinking so low of me. i didn't kiss Amy. it was a plan with Kelly and Amy because she thought Matt liked you.. or KNEW he did and wanted to hurt you. your an idiot for not seeing it.
Chris grabbed his jacket and stormed pass you to his room, you just stood there holding back your tears but they all came running down your face... you went into the bathroom and cried for a few minutes then you went back ti Nicks room and tried to sleep... you couldn't but you put your airpods in and slowly drifted off.

Chris was laying in his bed with all the thought and memories with you rushing through. he knew he shouldn't of said somethings to you tonight but he was just so angry at the fact he'd lost you and at the fact you believed he would ever hurt you. he knew Matt had something for you deep down  and all this Jaden stuff was getting ti his head. he reacted badly and felt terrible for talking to you how he did but the truth is he just missed you and wanted you back

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