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one month later

Chris stayed in hospital for two weeks, he ended up being fine just couldn't play hockey for 5 months and had to take it easy. you went to the hospital and visited him every day with Nick and Matt sometimes just you. you, Matt and Nick had been spending a lot of time together after school and at the weekends. it was the day Chris got out the hospital so Matt called you to come get him with Matt and him.

Nick; i can't believe he broke his ribs
Matt: ik 😂😂
you: that was actually horrible
Nick: at least he's fine and didn't like lose his memory or anything
you: yeah
Matt: imagine he like forgot about us and just had two dudes that looked identical to him
you all laugh and drive to the hospital, Matt and Nick got Chris's bags and you helped him out the hospital and to the car. Nick drive to their house and you all including their parents helped Chris settle back into his room.

A few days later

You were chilling with Chris in his room (not like that) because you had been coming round to help him and no one was in so you guys were just hanging watching bojack horseman (i love it btw if u couldn't tell) because you forced him too.
you: do you want anything ?
Chris: some water if you don't mind
you: no ofc i'll be back in a minute
you got up and went to the kitchen to get you both bottles of water and you went back, when you walked back in Chris just looked at you
you: what..
Chris: so are we just gonna pretend what happened at the hospital didn't happen ?
you: uhhh w-what do you mean ?
Chris: i'll take that as a yes then
he looked sad that you weren't open to talk about it
you: i just don't want to ruin anything with you or Matt idk
Chris: nah it's cool.
you: but it's not ?
Chris: i just don't get it Gabby, i feel like you do like me sometimes but it's a step forward and three back ?
you: what do you like me ?
Chris went silent and looked away and took a deep breathe
Chris: idk...
you: see this is what i hate it ruins things when feelings get involved
Chris: you can't sit and say that you don't feel anything, we have these moments that mean something and you know it.
you went silent now and looked away, Chris came closer to you and lifted your chin up so you were looking at him
Chris: don't you ?
you really wanted to lie and say no, but you knew that would crush his mmm if you did that
you: i- y-
Chris: i get you don't wanna let anyone in Gabriella but i will always care about you no matter what and i would never do anything to hurt you, i promise. it's like so different with you, you make me not wanna get with other girls and when i do to try forget you it doesn't work. i just wish you'd give it a chance
you: Chris i can't lose any of you
Chris let go of your face and his smile faded
you: see nothing has even happened yet and things are ruined. i'm not built to be in a relationship Chris not anymore...
Chris: i'll pro-
your phone rang
you: my dads here i gotta go, i'll talk later i guess-
you grabbed your stuff and left quickly and got into the car. you felt bad but you didn't want to risk being hurt or losing Matt or Nick in all of this mess. you just went home, took a shower, got stuff ready for school and went straight to sleep.

Matt and Nick got home shortly after you left and went up to check on Chris
Matt: wassup
they noticed Chris looked sad
Nick: you okay ?
Chris: what ? eh yeah.
Matt: stop the cap
Nick: ik what's wrong ?
Chris: nothing honestly i'm just tired tbh
Matt: ight bro whatever you say, i gotta shower
Matt left the room but Nick stayed and sat down beside Chris
Nick: what's really up ?
Chris; nothing honestly
Nick: i'm not leaving here until you stop lying to me, we both know Nick will be in that shower for like an hour
Chris: ...
Nick: something to do with Gabriella
Chris: i mean kinda ?
Nick: what happened
Chris: we just sometimes have these moments where it's like a little feeling that i know she gets too but if i ever try talk about it she just shuts it down and idk what to do, i don't like dating i think it's dumb but for her it's just different
Chris: stfu.
Nick: oh sorry, i think you just need to give her some time, we know what she's been through and that could only be some of it. she's not doing it to hurt you she's trying to protect her feelings onus everyone else's the last thing she wants is to lose one of us
Chris: i mean your right but now i've out that all out there and i'm embarrassed she's shut me down kinda
Nick: give her some time, she'll come around.

The next few weeks

the past few weeks youd been really busy with modelling and stuff so you hadn't spent a lot of time with Matt, Nick, Chris or even Devin. you hadn't really spoke to Chris as much lately so that just proved that feelings ect would fuck things up. you were lost and confused with no idea what to do.

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