"its done Gabriella"

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a week later

It had been a week since Christmas eve and ever since that night Chris had been being really dry and off with you, you didn't get why but you were too scared to ask him because deep down you didn't want the answer. Jaden left a few days ago, it wasn't really awkward since he admitted his feelings to you since you both just brushed it off and he hardly remembered it.

Wednesday 5:30

Nick was at your house just hanging with you.
you were just chilling in your room in your bed. you were arranging modelling shoots in LA for a few weeks time and you'd gotten a manager Jenna Sharp
(again made up name, very good manager, very famous. also i know nothing about modelling managers so bare with me xo)
so you were arranging things for that with her and Mark. once you'd finished dealing with all that you actually started hanging with Nick. you shut your laptop off and turned to face Nick
you: okay i'm done
Nick: about fucking time mrs model
you laugh
you: wanna go get food ?
Nick: fuck yeahh
you go into your car and drive to taco bell. you went inside, sat down, for your food, ate them left. you guys went outside into your pool since it was a nice evening. you were messing around splashing each other then you stopped cos a ray of sadness came over you
Nick: u good ?
you: ..
Nick: GABBY !!
you went back into reality
you: oh.. yeah...
Nick: stop lying !!!
you: ... had Chris been being weird ?
Nick: i mean a little moody i guess
Nick: why ?
you: idk bro.. he's just being so dry with me and like had cancelled plans with me a lot the past week..
Nick: oh.. idk i'll ask tho
you: ok thanks
Nick: don't be down. you've got too much going on to start stressing. i'll talk to him and let u know. it's probably just him being moody
you: yeah... still doesn't make you feel nice tho
Nick: yeah it's not right but i'll talk to him

Matt and Chris
Chris was chilling in his bed on his phone and Matt came in and lay down beside him
Matt: yo
Chris: wassup
Matt: where is Nick ?
Chris: idk.. Gabriellas probably
Matt: yeah true.
Matt: you haven't really been with her this week have you ? what's happened...
Chris: nothin
Matt: u gonna lie huh...
Chris: yk on Christmas eve ?
Matt: yeah..
Chris: well Jaden was like to Gabby aww come to the kitchen i need to do something or some shit like that
Matt: kinda yeah
Chris: well he basically like admitted feelings for her or whatever and she didn't do anything but she never said like oh i have a boyfriend or anything either
Matt: so your ghosting her ?
Chris: i'm pissed
Matt: i mean i understand why you would be mad but she wasn't like un loyal bro
Chris: Matt bro.. i'm just not in the idek had space for this shit
Matt: i'll leave you be bro
they dap each other up and Matt leaves. Chris just lay in his bed thinking about what Matt just said.
was he being dramatic ? he missed you but he just didn't have the energy

later that night

you were just laying in your bed yourself. Nick had went home a few hours ago. you missed Chris so you decided to text him

Chris <3







you just threw your phone to the bottom of you bed and lay staring at the sky. you loved Chris and you wanted it to work so bad but you constantly felt like he was annoyed at you for anything possible. you didn't know what to. you missed him and wanted to be with him but why is it constantly hard.

2 weeks later

you were in your room packing your luggage for LA since you were leaving tomorrow. you'd spent time with Chris but something was still off, you were tired off it and it was making you sad. since you were leaving tomorrow you had to see him to clear up what was going on. so you called him and asked
to go a drive. you picked him up and drove to a nice view like bit to talk, the car ride was awkward and you hated it being this weird tension between you both
you: so
Chris just looked at you then looked away
you: what is actually up with you Chris
Chris: what do you mean
you put your head onto the steering wheel as you were holding it
you: are you fucking kidding me !
Chris: what bro !
you: on Christmas eve you just left my house without saying bye, didn't talk to me normally for like a week, did two things with me in three weeks and your still being weird. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG !
Chris: i know Jaden admitted his cute little feelings to you
you: wh-
Chris: don't act dumb
you: i know he did.. that's why your acting like this ?
Chris: nah Gabriella because you didn't tell him you had a boyfriend and you didn't tell me he told you that
you: are you fucking joking !!
you laugh to hold back the tears
you: your acting like this over that !!
Chris: yeah, yeah i am Gabriella because it's out of order
you: i didn't tell you because it would've just made things weird whole he was staying at mine and you just fucked off without saying anything to me and acted weird ever since so why would i mention that to you ?!
Chris: idk maybe because i'm your boyfriend ??
you: you make me feel like shit yk
Chris: well i always feel like shit Gabriella !!
he starts to tear up
Chris: and i can't do anything about it.
you: so you just need to make me feel like shit ?
Chris: if i make you feel like shit so much why don't you just break up with me ?
you were trying so hard to hold back your tears but they got out, the car had such awkward silence
you: is that what you want...
Chris seen you were crying and looked away
Chris: w-why's this so difficult ?
you: why is THIS so difficult ?
you chuckle angrily
you: because you act like a little boy Chris, when i do something that annoys you, you go in a little mood for weeks and won't tell me what's up or talk to me just leave me to feel like shit over you, i don't need that especially not right now.
Chris just went silent and looked away
you: if you really wanted to be with me Chris you would be doing anything you could to make this work. i'm trying, i'm really really trying and getting nothing back. this is why i don't date and i don't let people in. your doing exactly what you promised me
you wouldn't.
Chris: it's done.
you: what...
Chris unbuckled his seat belt and got out your car and looked straight into your eyes
Chris: it's fine
he shut the door and started walking away. something about him in that moment changed. that wasn't Chris saying that, that was a deep dark otjet version of himself. you got out your door and slammed it and grabbed his arm
you: are you being serious !!
Chris: Gabriella i can't ok
he shook your grip off his arm and held your shoulder
Chris: look all i'm doing is making you feel like shit because i feel like shit. i can't do this anymore. im
exhausted Gabby- FUCKING EXHAUSTED
Chris just burst out crying and fell to his knees you just grabbed him and held him so tight and close to you. you got him back to the car and drove him back home. you parked and waited for him to get out
Chris: it's over tho Gabriella.
he just walked away into his house, you sat for a few minutes letting that sink in but Chris couldn't look back because he knew he would run out and stop you if he did. you just drove home and started to finish packing to distract yourself. you lay in bed after you'd done that trying to sleep but you couldn't so you went to that drawer, got a joint and smoked it out the window just thinking about everything with you and Chris, crying.

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