Chapter 6

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  Today is Thursday,  four days had passed by. This week went so quick. I haven't really been doing a lot of stuff. Just school work. Nothing else.

    We had tests three days straight so I really had to study ending up me and Autumn not talking because we have to focus on studying.      

    Today is the last day of exams. Im just so glad that this testing thing is over which means me and Autumn can finally talk. You might be probably wondering, why does my world revolves around Autumn. Well, it's simply because she's my best friend, and I'm happy whenever I'm with her,

    That brings me back to her birthday on Saturday. God! What should I give her?

After school today, me and Autumn played basketball.  I kinda like that she likes sports.

"Give me the ball!!!! That's cheating!!" she said.

"No it's not! It's called strategy!"I said, trying to defend myself.

"Whatever! "she said, giving up.

  We just played sports for the rest of the afternoon and God, I'm tired!

  I went back home and just did the usual, eat dinner, did my chores, and head upstairs.

  I don't usually get out of the house. I am not really social.  I don't have a lot of friends.

I'm kind of a shy person. I don't like going to new places. That just makes me feel so uncomfortable and nervous when I'm around people.

I don't think there's anything wrong ith me but I guess that's just the way I am.

So I usually spend my time with my family and of course,  Autumn.

They're the most important people in my life.

Most people in school thinks that I'm lonely because they usually see me alone if I'm not with Autumn or my 3 other friends. 

But the only thing I can say about that is that it doesn't always mean that you're lonely, when you're alone.

Maybe it also means you just wanna be by yourself sometimes,  privacy.

And for me, I don't really care about having like a ton of friends. Because what matters most to me is that i your friends are loyal and values your friendship, that's reasonable enough, right?

Well at least for me, it is.    

   The reason why me and Autumn became bestfriends is when I "saved" her from bullies. It was a long time ago. We've been best friends for 8 years.

Some people thinks it's so weird that a boy and a girl can be best friends but I don't really care about that.

   My best friend is a nice person. She is kind, caring, loving, humble,... She is a really good person.

But sometimes, there's times that she is in a bad mood, but she just keep quiet because she said she don't want other people to feel how she feels.

There's also another side of her. She is also weird and funny. She always makes you laugh.

The best thing that I like about her is that she values her family, friends, and even very little things, it makes her happy.

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