Chapter 16

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After a week of having fun and making the best of life. Now, it's time to face reality.

All I can think of right now is COLLEGE, COLLEGE, WORK, WORK,

Am I being paranoid or something? Because if I am, I need to go to a doctor right away to fix my damaged brain.

But seriously, I don't know what's going on with my brain. I feel it's not working. Because like, I'm acting kinda weird since, you guessed it, COLLEGE.

I also needed to find a job so I did some research about it. And now I have an interview later for my future work. I'm applying at Starbucks.

To be honest, I've always wanted to work at Starbucks. I don't know why. But something about it just makes me feel home. I don't know why. It's a weird feeling.

A few hours later, at Starbucks:

I just wearing a white shirt and black jeans and white shoes. And I throw on a hoodie before I left my apartment. It's kinda getting cold outside.

Driving there doesn't took very long. It's just like a 15 minute drive. By the time I get there, it's 1:53. My interview is at 2 pm. Just in time.

I opened the door and God it smells so good. I asked a guy which looks like a person who works there, I hope he does.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you know where the office is?" I asked.

"Yes. Just go straight, and take the first left. Are you applying for work? If yes, what time is your appointment?"

"Yes sir. I'm applying for a job and my appointment time is 2 pm." I said.

"Oh ok. Good luck!" he said.


I went to the direction he told me. Isaw a door on the left. I knocked on the door and said.

"Um, excuse me, ma'am. I have a 2pm appointment. Jake

"Oh yes. Come in, Jake. Nice to meet you." holding up her hand.

"Nice to meet you too, ma'am." I said as we shook hands.

"Have a seat. I'm just going to get some paperworks and I'll start the interview in just a moment.

The interview went on after she came back. She just asked me some questions about on how I'm going to treat a costumer in some situations and many more questions.

"Alright! Mr. You're hired. But you're still gonna have some training for a week. And you may start working the week after that. Congratulations!" she announced, smiling.

"Thank you so much. I promise to do my best on my job." I said.

"Well then good luck!"

I thanked her and headed out the door. I just got me an Iced Skinny Latte. I know it's starting to get cold outside. But I cant help myself getting it.

It was almost midnight when I got home. I went to my friend's apartment and just hang there for hours. When I'm in my bedroom. I just checked my phone if I have any emails and I turned my phone off and called it a night.

Instagram : nightowl0708
Twitter: nightowl078

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