Chapter 13

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Autumn's POV

We just sold our house which is so sad..

We are currently staying at a hotel because the house we're moving in California isn't ready yet.

I also didn't go to school anymore because I'm gonna be moving anyways so yeah. The bad thing is I didn't get to see Jake for the last time.

I wish he'll never forget me, or even just our memories together.

When I move in Cali. I might probably start a new life there. A new home, new school, new friends, new neighborhood, new every thing.

Maybe, I'm really meant to live there, maybe that's why God did that.
Everything happens for a reason, right?
There's a reason why he did all this. He's just waiting for the right moment to tell us the reason.

I think God do this because he has good plans ahead for us. He might also wants to teach us a lesson. Or maybe something. But whatever reason it is, he just wanted us to have a brighter future.

A month later,

I've been here in California for almost a month! And I haven't even notice it. I guess you don't notice time when you are having fun.

I'm in a new school. At first, I'm so nervous about it. But as soon as I get used to the people, turns out that there's a bunch of real nice people that are eager to be friends with me.

I didn't really had a hard time finding friends. Tell you the truth, you just have to show people the real you and eventually, you're gonna be friends.

Well that works for me at least.

I'm living in such a nice neighborhood. I live in LA. And it's so awesome! I can never believe that I'll live in Cali, especially in LA.

That's actually my dream place to visit, well actually, our dream place to visit, and when I mean our, I'm talking about Jake.

Of course I couldn't forget him. I just wish he could see this. And if he does, he will be so happy for the rest of his life!

Anyways, life goes on... whether you like it or not, just have to bear with it. And as long as you hold on, it will eventually get better when you least expect it to be.

Instagram : nightowl0708
Twitter: nightowl078

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