Danger II

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Wheein woke up in a dark room. As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt the cold metal in her wrist. She looked around and saw Hyejin in front of her. She had a fearful expression on her face as she glanced at her. She recalled what had happened before she had passed out. Because the room is so dark, she can't see her clearly. She can't tell if Hyejin is still alive and breathing, but she tries to call her name to check if she's okay

"Hyejin," she called her, but she didn't respond.

"Hyejinah, yaah, wake up! " She called her again, but still didn't receive a response.

She was about to try again when the door opened and the familiar man went in. He opens the lights that make her dazzle for a moment.

"Oh, you're awake," The man approaches her, dragging a stool in front of her.

"I'm glad you're awake. Aren't you glad to see me?" He smirks.

She looks at him with anger, "Ravi."

He laughed a bit. "Look, your best friend was awake. I'm sure you're happy she's alive."

She looks at Hyejin. She can now see her. Hyejin was moving little by little. She could hear her groans. Her eyes were watering because she could see her best friend with blood in her body.

"Hyejinah," she said softly.

Hyejin opens her eyes. Hyejin looked at her with worried eyes. She saw her checking if she was alright. Then she smiled at her best friend to tell her she was okay. Hyejin looked around, and her eyes, full of concern, immediately turned into anger when she saw the man in front of them with a smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well, you're awake. I was shocked because you're here. I was just expecting Wheein, but look at the chance I had to meet another RBW member. Isn't it going to be great? " The smirk on his face turns into a devil smile.

"Now that you two are awake, may we have something good to eat?" With a smirk on his face, he walks out of the room, leaving Wheein and Hyejin alone.


"Hyejinah gwaenchanah?" Wheein looks at her worriedly.

She flashes a smile, so Whee doesn't have to worry about her.

"Yahh Wheeinah, what do you think of me, weak?" She heard Wheein chuckle a bit.

They exchanged glances with each other when suddenly a men in black appeared at the door holding a tray of food for them. The two men walked in front of them carrying food and laid it down in front of them.

"Boss said to eat as much as you can, so eat and don't try to provoke him because you do not want him to be angry," The man in front of Wheein said.

"Just follow his commands if you two want to get out of here alive," The other man added.

The two men were about to turn away when she decided to talk.

"How can we eat this when our hands are handcuffed?" Whee, look at them as well, waiting for an answer.

The two men looked at the man who was standing straight looking at them. He signaled something, which caused them to return in front of us.

They thought that they would let them be free to eat their food, but they went in front of them and began to hold the spoon and fork like they were going to feed them like a baby.

She sees Wheein shaking her head several times because she doesn't want to eat the food in front of her, which makes the man angry.

In a few more moments, the man in front of Wheein looks at the man who's in front of her. She groans in pain and bends her body when the man in front of her suddenly punches her stomach.

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