Special: Third

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Everyone went home early because they were tired from finding clues. They shared what they had found.

Everybody wanted to rest, but they noticed that Moonbyul and Hyejin weren't here yet. They opened the GPS of their watch to know where they had been. It was already dark outside, but they didn't see their GPS status. She began to worry about Hyejin. She even told Byul to take care of Hyejin this morning, but now what?

"Hey Wheein, Yongsun, don't worry so much, maybe they're on their way. Let's just wait for them." Jisoo said to keep them calm, and they eventually agreed.


Hyejin is silent in the front seat of the car, looking through the window while Byul focuses on driving.

After a minute, Byul senses something serious. She's panicking, but she tries to keep calm. Hyejin looked at her with a worried face. "What's wrong? Is anything wrong?" "Hyejin, I think someone is following us." Byul sounds serious while Hyejin looks at the rear mirror to see if it's true.

"Shit" Byul muttered to herself, wondering why this is happening now that she's with Hyejin. She had promised Wheein earlier that she would take care of her, but now the car behind them keeps following around. It's so obvious and it makes her get a chill around her head.

"What do we do?" Hyejin casually said to Byul, who was thinking right now. "We need to stop." "What!? Are you crazy? If it's true that they are following us, then if we stop, they will surely go after us." "I know shit." Byul didn't finish what she was saying. A gunshot lets them know that they are following them. Another gunshot makes them nervous.

Another followed after another gunshot came from behind. Byul was driving as fast as she could, while Hyejin was looking around nervously. The car behind them continues shooting. Many vehicles are passing around and the rain is falling heavily. It's hard for the car behind them to catch up, but because Byul knows how to drive in this kind of situation, She keeps up so that they can't be followed by them. They thought they were already scaped from the car that keeps following them, but a vehicle in front of them makes a turn to the side of them. It's like it lost its break due to heavy rain. "Watch Out!" Hyejin shouted, but it was too late. Their car bumped into the truck in front of them.

Byul immediately checked with the person beside her, "Are you okay? We need to go now, the car that keeps following us is near. We have to run." Hyejin nodded and opened the door of the car. Byul helped her and held her hand. "Let's go, they're close," she says as she pulls away, leaving the damaged car alone.

They went inside the forest beside the highway. It was dark and the rain was pouring heavily. That made it more difficult to walk and run, but luckily the light of the moon made them see the way.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen." Byul was looking at her sincerely. "Don't worry, no one knows it will happen. Let's continue to walk." Byul leads the way while supporting Hyejin behind her.

She stopped for a moment after hearing another gunshot. She knew they were following them. "Quick, they're behind us."

Hyejin and Moonbyul were tired and wet, and at the same time, the rain continued to pour. She was worried about Hyejin. Suddenly, Hyejin falls to the ground. Byul immediately looks at her and checks if she can walk, but she knows she can't. If ever she can, it will be hard for both of them. They hear more gunshots and shouts. She decides to lift Hyejin like a bridal style and continue to walk in the woods.

After a long time, they didn't hear any gunshots anymore. Byul saw a big tree and decided to stop and rest for a while. She put Hyejin down so carefully. "Hey, let's rest for a while. Is that okay?" She said while catching her breath. Hyejin nods, "I'm sorry you don't need to carry me. I'm okay, let's rest for a while." Byul sat beside her, "I guess they were gone?" Hyejin asked with concern. "I hope so because it's hard to continue running away. We don't have energy left." They continued to rest for a while. The rain was still pouring, and they were wet and tired.

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