Special: Fourth

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Wheein went outside of their room when someone knocked on the door. She thought maybe it was her friends who forgot something, so she immediately went to the door to open it, but she saw no one but a small envelope was in there. She quickly picked it up and opened it.

When she saw what was written in the letter, she looked around, hoping to see who had thrown it through the door.

She went inside and directly told Hyejin what she found on the door.

"You think we should go?" Wheein nods and looks at her.

"I will call them so that we can go to that location." Wheein immediately called her friends and waited for them to be back.


They all gathered in the living room. When Wheein called them, they went home right away.

"What are we doing now? Let's go and get our kids." Jennie said hurriedly.

"They don't want any police to be there or else they will hurt the kids, and as we know, they need money," Wheein said to them.

"Money isn't important, so let's go!" Moonbyul said that to make them agree.

"But wait, can someone stay with Hyejin here? She is not well enough to come with us." Wheein asked them seriously.

"Hon, stay here with Hyejin. I will come with them and I promise you, we will get the kids back." Moonbyul said to Yongsun, who was looking at them.

"It's okay, I can handle myself here. You can go with them, Yongsun." Hyejin appeals to what Moonbyul has said.

"No, it's okay. I will stay here with you. I'm also having a migraine, so it's better if I'm here." Yongsun smiled.

After discussing all of them except for Yongsun and Hyejin, they went to the location that was written in the letter.


They stopped at the location on the GPS. They saw an open area, but in the middle of that was an abandoned building.

Wheein got out of the car and began to look around.

"We're here, do we have to go inside?" Rose whispered.

"Let's go," Wheein said, and they followed the lead.

As they walked, someone suddenly appeared before them. He's wearing a mask to cover his face, so you can see he's not the mastermind behind all this.

"Are you here for the kids?" The man asked them.

"Yes, we are," Moonbyul replied.

"Do you have what we want?" the other man asked, as he appeared behind him.

"Yes, here's the money. You can have it, but please give our kids back to us." Jisoo shows the big bag containing the money that they want in exchange for the kids.

The two men look at each other before signaling for them to follow them inside the abandoned building.

They were walking behind the men. Inside the building, you can see it's messy as if they kidnapped many kids and brought them here.

They stop in a hall where they see a bunch of men, and especially a tall man who's surely the mastermind. The other two men in front of them look at us.

"Give us the money."

"No, give us the children first." Jennie became enraged.

They saw the tall man signaling and, after that, they saw some men holding their kids.

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