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"Good evening, ma'am." The guard greeted her when she went inside the hotel. She decides to celebrate Christmas together with the person she loves, but unfortunately, a few days before Christmas, Hyejin diagnoses that she's positive for COVID and she needs to self-quarantine.

However, she still wanted to be with her this Christmas, so she finished everything and took leave before she went to see her.

Now she's in front of Hyejin's hotel room. She sighed for a moment and looked at the plastic bag she was holding. She buys a lot of food for them. Everything that Hyejin loves to eat is what she buys.

She hesitates for a moment, but still presses the doorbell. After a few seconds, she saw Hyejin's shocked face when she opened the door.

"Yah move, are you a statue? Let's go inside. It's freaking cold." She immediately went inside and pulled Hyejin's hand.

She looks at her, still in shock. She laughed at her and went into the kitchen to arrange the groceries she had purchased."Come on, close the door and help me in here."

A moment later, she heard the door close, followed by Hyejin's loud voice.

"Yah! W-hat are you doing here? I'm still in quarantine. You may get sick. Wheeinah! "

She didn't look at her, but she shrugged.

"I told you I wanted to spend Christmas with you and you agreed with it."

"Yes, I agreed, but it's before, when I was still negative for COVID, and now it's different. You know, I might infect you. I don't like that Whee."

She grabs a plate and walks towards Hyejin. Hyejinah, don't you think I'm dumb that I didn't think of it? Yah! I don't care whether you're negative or positive or if I get infected, all I want is to celebrate Christmas with you, so here, help me arrange the food so we can eat it and let's not talk about it because I'm aware, arasseo?"

Hyejin gets the plate. She wants to speak, but she keeps quiet and helps her instead.

The food was ready. They are sitting in front of each other when she glances at her. She smiles.

"Hyejinah, don't worry, okay."

"But Whee.." Hyejin wants to argue, but she stands up and walks directly into her.

"Shh, let's just celebrate because it's already Christmas."

Hyejin looked at her phone and saw the time. It was exactly 12:00. "Merry Christmas, Hyejinie!" She kisses her cheeks.

Hyejin hesitated for a second before she kissed her back.

"Merry Christmas, Whee, let's eat?"

She laughed and nodded.


"Yah! Wheeinah!"

"Why Hyejinah? You're so loud. "

Hyejin was flustered and immediately covered herself. "Can't you see I'm taking a bath? Go away!"

"I also want to take a bath, so let's wash together. Can we Hyegi?" She's teasing her. Gosh, she missed her so much.

Hyejin wants to disagree, but she steps into the bathtub and sits at the other end of the tub. When she looked at her, she saw Hyejin's reddish face and was trying to cover herself.

She smirks. "What??" still teasing her.

"Why are you smirking? You're so scary. I will go out now. Just continue taking a bath. "

Hyejin was about to get up, but she quickly pulled her, making Hyejin's back face in front of her. She grabbed her waist and pulled her even more towards her body.

Hyejin chuckles. "Wheeinah..."

She leans against Hyejin's back and wraps her arms around her waist, slowly going down into her sensitive part.

She heard Hyejin's soft moans and it made her want to keep going. Her hands went up to her boobs.

"Ohh W-heeinah." Hyejin releases soft moans.

She continues it for a minute when suddenly Hyejin gets up. She thought that she was going out, but she looked at her and sat in front of her, making them see each other's faces closely.

Hyejin kisses her. She wraps her arms around her body and kisses her back. Hyejin's hands slowly go up into her body up to her neck. She wraps her arms around it while they are still kissing each other.

There in the middle of the passionate kiss, Hyejin let go and placed her head on her shoulder. She feels her warm body against her. She hugs and pats her like a kid that needs to be loved.

After a few moments, she felt Hyejin's arms were loose around her neck. She couldn't see her face, but she surely thought that she was asleep.

"Hyegi?" She waits for her answer, but she chuckles in the end when Hyejin didn't speak.

She pats her hair and hugs her with her whole body, making sure she's not going to catch a cold while waiting for her to wake up.

"Such a spoiled baby."

She kisses her hair and leans against the bathtub, enjoying the beautiful sight in front of her.

"This is the best Christmas ever. Thank you, Hyejinah."


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