Paint me

202 10 0

Today is Tuesday, as usual. Hyejin was bored. Their prof was teaching in front, but she didn't even care to take a glance or listen.

After a couple of minutes, the class was getting boring, so she put her head down on the desk and tried to sleep. She doesn't care about the lesson because she knows that even though she didn't listen to any of the subjects, she always gets a high score on every exam and when their prof calls her for recitation, she always knows the answer, so they just let her do what she wants to do.

The bell rang, which meant it was lunchtime. She waits for a second to let her classmates walk out of the room. When she didn't hear any noises around her, she raised her head, but she saw someone was still in the room. She looks at her for a second before she gets up and walks straight away outside the corridor.


It was quiet and peaceful when suddenly she heard the noise from other students. She looked around to see what was going on. She saw the girl in her class surrounded by a bunch of gangsters. They can't see her from here because they are busy with the girl, so she tries to ignore it and puts on her earphones instead. It's their business, and she doesn't want to get into that.


She was dragged by three men onto the rooftop. She fights back and screams, but the two men hold her tightly while the tallest man amongst them walks towards her.

"You're pretty, huh. You want to come with us?" The man grabs her face and slides his fingers down to her chin.

"No, I won't go anywhere!" She tried to pull her arms into these men beside her, but it was useless. She's just a girl who is weak compared to these gangsters.

The man laughs maniacally. "That's what I want a fighter one... This is going to be fun."

He grabs her and pulls her into him, but she fights back and kicks his private parts. She wants to run, but the two men block her. She looks in front and sees the man's face looking pissed.

He immediately grabs her hair and says, "Don't fight back, miss beautiful or you will get hurt." But she didn't listen and fight back, which caused her to be pushed and lose her balance.

She saw the man walking towards her, flexing his muscles, and he immediately grabbed her wrist. Like a slow motion, she saw the man's body slowly going into hers. She began to tear up. In any second from now on, she would feel the man's face into her but luckily she heard a loud noise that make her open her eyes.

She saw the man in front of her was down, and the woman beside him looked at her coldly. She was shocked when she saw her fast move when the man behind her attacked. She was just looking at them like a statue. The woman began to avoid every movement and every punch of the guy.

The woman was strong and in a just blink, the woman take her action after that the man is now laying on the ground but it wasn't finished yet.

"Look out!" She scream at the girl when she saw another guy coming behind her.

The fast reflex of the woman makes her amazed that in just a moment, the guy is also laying on the ground.

The woman looks at her. She helps her stand up, but the tallest guy appears and he grabs the woman's arms. The woman tries to kick him and avoid him, but she's weak now. She has already drained her energy from the fight earlier.

Unexpectedly, the man attacked and punched the woman in the stomach, making her fall to the ground. The man didn't stop and punched her again.

"Stop!" She was crying, begging him to stop. She didn't know what came to her mind to do that, but she wanted to save the woman from him. She was going to die if the man continued punching her.

Wheesa: RandomWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt