eight: a snowball's chance in hell

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nathan dawson's pov

So, there I was sitting in a car with the prettiest girl of our school. She just happened to be my brother's ex and, on top of all, I had heard about the breakup from my step dad instead of Nicholas himself. It kind of sucked that we used to be so close, but now he didn't even care to tell me the highlights of his life. Nicholas had changed and I hated it with every cell of my body.

In all those movies they always picture twins to be inseparable, so close they could read each other's minds. Well, I don't know where they get all that telepathy stuff, because I for one had never had much idea what was going on in Nicholas' head. I think it's safe to say that he didn't have any idea what was going on in mine either.

"You probably think it's weird I'm talking to you all of a sudden." Audrey Grace pointed out while she was trying browsing through her Spotify lists to find something to listen to. I had a feeling she did that to hide her nervousness, although I wasn't sure why she would feel that way. 

"Basically, y-yeah." I shrugged, keeping my eyes strictly on the road.

"Well, there's actually something I wanted to ask from you." Audrey Grace continued.

"Uh-huh." I mumbled, not the least surprised by her words.

"Harper is having a pool party on Friday and I want you to come with me." Okay, I didn't see that coming. I glanced at her, incredulously. 

I didn't have time to give her my answer — which would have been "NO." with capital letters — because we had just arrived at Jonathan's school. I won't lie, it was a huge relievement. Even though there was no way I was going to that party, or any other party for that matter, telling that to Audrey Fucking Grace wasn't something I could do lightly. 

"Hi." Jonathan greeted us with a congested voice when he took his seat. 

"Are you ill?" I turned to look at him. He did look a bit pale and he wasn't smiling like he normally did. Jonathan just nodded, leaning his forehead against the car window.

"Oh no." I bemoaned, but then my lips curved into a smile: "But you know what? There's nothing a hot cup of tea and a movie wouldn't fix. Star Wars or Disney?"

"Star Wars." Jonathan smiled, but then something made him frown. "But no tea."

"Hot chocolate?" I suggested. 

"Hot chocolate." Jonathan nodded.

"Deal." I grinned at him, completely forgetting Audrey Grace was still in the car and staring at us intently. 

Jonathan and I spent the entire evening curled up on the sofa and wrapped up in quilts even though it wasn't that cold in the living room. We watched the first three Star Wars movies, before Jonathan dozed off and I realized it was way too late to get the essay, which I was supposed to return to the teacher tomorrow, done.

I washed my teeth and walked upstairs. I had dragged that out for hours and in all truth it had little to do with Jonathan or the movies. The real reason was that I shared the room with, who else but, Nicholas. He was already laying on his bed, on top of the cover and listening to music from his wireless earbuds.

Without so much as looking at him, I changed to an old t-shirt I always slept in. Then I pulled the blanket to my chin and pressed my eyes shut, but even then I could feel Nicholas' gaze on me.

"Are you awake?" He asked after a while.

"No." I muttered, turning my back to him.

"You're not a consolation prize." Nicholas vowed solemnly, and as I didn't say anything, he continued: "I didn't dump Audrey Grace, she dumped me. That kind of spoils your theory, don't you think?"

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