Hard Truth

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"Y/n? What.. what's happening? Are you okay?!" Otto reaches out for you, but your hands are up, still on the defensive. Your fists balled and ready to strike. He's coming for me again... I won't let it happen this time..

He can see the fear flash over your eyes.

Otto slowly steps toward you, his hands open and up, declaring he means no harm.

"It's me baby.. it's okay.." his eyes soft and glossy, his eyebrows slightly raised, and bottom lip turned out.  Otto, now within range of your punch reaches out once more.

He lightly touches your arms, bringing them to your side and forcing your muscles to relax. You crumble to the floor, falling into his arms. You begin to bawl, tears streaming down your face. Hyperventilating through your sobs, snot dripping down your chin.

Otto rubs your back. I know she doesn't want to, but this has become bigger than her physical abuse. It's emotional and mental now.

"Y/n, darling, look at me for a second." He says, picking up your chin to try to make eye contact.

You seem to look everywhere but to him for a moment, eyes wandering around the bathroom that now feels so small. Finally, you lock eyes with him.

"I know you may not want to hear this right now, but sweetheart, we've got to do something about this. You're shaking in fear. My love, you almost hit me."

"Otto, please stop." You grumble.

"We need to talk to the police. Tell them the situation. I don't care if I get the rebuttal for our relationship. I care about you being safe. About you feeling safe. I want x/n to know that he can't get away with this."

Your breath is finally coming back to normal, but what Otto says is running through your mind.

"Otto, I - I don't know about this. Do you even understand the kind of backlash we could get for this. For us. You could go to prison for f*cks sake!"

"And I'm willing to do that, y/n, for you."

You feel like your heart just bursts. He really does love me, doesn't he? He's willing to go to jail for me.

"But I don't want to be without you."

"It will all be okay," Otto assures, "No matter what happens, it will be okay. As long as we make sure you're safe first and take this to the police. Please baby."

"Okay", you whisper.

"I know you're scared, but please - wait, did you say okay?" Otto says, sounding shocked.

You nod a final confirmation.

"Okay, don't worry. I'll call them and talk with them first. That way I can give you some time to recollect your thoughts before you speak with them."

He slowly picks you up from the ground, his arms wrapped around you, holding you close as he carries you to the bed. He sets you down on the edge and fluffs your pillow before gliding you over to lay down. Otto tucks you in, kissing your forehead and clutching your head.

"I love you, darling, I really do. Please try to get some rest okay? I will be in the living room for a little while."

You watch Otto walk out of the room and hear his footsteps descend down the hallway.

As he approaches the living room, only one thought runs through his head, I guess I should pull up the security camera footage now.

Taming OttoWhere stories live. Discover now