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Quick note- this is my universe in the multiverse, but the MCU is its own separate thing, and those two may end up combining very soon. Wink Wink. But in my universe Thanos never happened, obviously, nat never died. 

|I just want to go in the past once, and change the mistakes I made| 

When Natasha woke up the next morning, she felt an odd sensation in her stomach, her back ached. She didn't think much of it, instead of reaching over her side to feel for her husband, but that side of the bed was cold. 

He never came home last night which was very unusual for her husband. Sitting up in her bed she reached for her phone, ignoring the knot in her back. No miss calls, that was odd. She should be worried but her husband wasn't reckless. Most of the time. 

With James coming home today, she wanted the house to look amazing, so she had the house cleaned head to toe, and wanted to make James's life easier when he comes home. She was finishing rearranging the pantry when there was a knock on her door. That would be Maria and Nicole, they would be coming to help get James home. 

She walked over to the door reaching for the nob when her sideburned in pain, she stopped, and then suddenly an ear-piercing scream filled her house as she grabbed her side and the door. Slowly making her way to the floor Natasha was trying so hard to keep her eyes open. There was a pounding on her door. 

"Natasha back away from the door I'm kicking it down!" Maria cried from the other side. Natasha tried answering but couldn't make any other sound than the painful moans. Maria kicked the door open and quickly kneeled, she was saying something but Natasha couldn't understand what she was saying. Natasha's eyes filled with tears and the last thing she could remember was Maria's cold hand pushing her shirt up to hold onto her side. 

|~at the same time~|

"Steve, I think we should go," Sam's voice filled the comms as Steve watched the colorful stones moving in the air, haven't been seen by another human being in nearly ten years since Tony last came down for modifications of the safe. 

"Sam I know what I am doing," He said carefully. The infinity stones were slowly coming together with brightness surrounding the once pitch dark room. "Makes sure no one enters the air space and lockdown. There is no telling what these stones will do." 

"Maybe that's exactly why we shouldn't be doing this Steve." Sam let up his concerns which were ignored by Steve ultimately. He had found a way to bring Sarah back. He can't possibly live in a world where he outlived his daughter. He has outlived too many people in his life, he refuses to do that with his children. 

He walked over to the infinity gauntlet that was resting on its stand, the nanotechnology that Tony had created carefully adjusted to his hand. The stones glowed brighter as they found their spots on the gauntlet, the power went throughout his body, he took a deep breath as he let it all settle in. This was it. This was the moment he had been waiting for. 

He let his mind fill with thoughts of his daughter. Memories that he held close to his heart. Her birth, her first birthday, her first day of school, her first lost tooth, it was putting a smile on his face. This is what he's fighting for. For her. 

Soon everything would be back to normal. 

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