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Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

Captain America, Black Widow, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Hulk, are all the people that will be in your history books. You know the story, heroes protecting the earth, bringing a balance of peace and love to a corrupted world. Who doesn't know about them?

Kids and adults around the world grow up believing in heroes, believing that no matter what happens they'd be protected. But what happens when the world no longer needs protecting?

After they defeated the evil titan Thanos, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner used a group of stones called the infinity stones, to create a protective layer around the world, protecting it from unwanted visitors and also improving environmental problems. Only a select few have the ability to go through the portal. Protects more people that way.

From the outside they were protected by the Guardians of the Galaxy, the group the often showed up to Earth sharing news of the events all over the Galaxy. Eventually, however, Earth's problems began to wither down.

The world no longer needed this group to protect them anymore, they didn't need a group to be at their beck and call. So with no other choice, and no will to proceed the heroes settled down and started something many of them never had. A family.

While you learn about these heroes in history, these kids learned all they need to know at home.

Life was surely an adventure for these kids, but it wasn't all great all the time. The not so regular teenagers have grown accustomed to the world asking for photos or asking how their parents were, but what they weren't used to, now that they were growing up, was the one question everyone asked them.

"So what next?" James Rogers sat idly in his school counselor's office staring at her blankly as she asked him about his future plans. James Rogers the son of Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers. Yeah yeah, he's heard it all before about what an honor it is and how he is going to be exactly like his father, and do great things. But it couldn't be farther from the truth.

"Mrs. Mclever, I don't even know what I am going to have for lunch today." James was not looking to grow up, and as everyone liked to point out, he was not his father. He didn't have a hidden talent, he had no need to do anything. For crying out loud he was a sophomore in high school.

"Listen James, you are growing up quick, and while I'm not telling you to have to come up with a job right now, it's good to have plans, it's good to goals."

"Goals often lead to disappointment."

"Not if you work for them." She said before sighing. "Tell you what James, you take this packet, and you come back to me when you find a job the piques your interest. There is no pressure."

"But there is, you don't understand, no matter what I do people are always gonna be disappointed that I am not him," He sighed.

"No one is asking for you to be your father James." She said. "It's your life, not theirs."

"It's my life until I mess up."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Come back when you are ready okay?" She said James nodded before grabbing his backpack and heading out of her office. He sighed in annoyance. Why did he have to think about life after high school?

He walked over to his locker and shoved his backpack in it before he grabbed his lunch, he groaned when he looked down at the bag. On the bag was a smile doodle and a little note from his mother saying she loved him, he couldn't help but laugh slightly.

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