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I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. 

While the Avengers were at the compound trying to locate the kids, Morgan and the girls were already on their way to the area. Not that she was going to tell anyone, but there was a tracker on the bracelet she gave James. Don't judge her, she needed to know where he would disappear to with Torunn.

She knew her father would literally kill her when he arrives, but maybe if they take her down he can see what the team is capable of. Show them that they can fight, they can be a team. That they aren't little kids that need protection.

"You four are going to get yourselves killed." Sarah was expressing her extreme dislike for the plan. "I want my brother back, don't tell him I said that, but this mission, it's suicidal."

"It's not young Rogers," Torunn said putting her hand on Sarah's shoulder. "I am prepared now. I wasn't prepared before but now I am and that is what will allow us to beat Amora, and get your brother home."

"No," Morgan interrupted. "What is going to save James is if we all work together. We can't be on opposites sides. We all have the same mission and we won't come up on top if we don't work together for once in our lives."

"Morgan is right Torunn, I know your kinda new here and not officially on the team but you have trained with us before," Nicole spoke as she tightened her black boots. "We aren't going to back it out of there if we don't work as a team."

"Our parents don't believe that we can do this," Morgan said. "We have to make sure they are wrong, not just for the sake of proving them wrong but to save James, Miles, and Nate"

"What about us?" Sarah asked. "Do you expect us to just sit here and wait for our parents?"

"That's exactly what I expect. We will leave the jet hidden, no one should find us."

"And if someone does?"

"Don't work I have that covered, Matea is set to a protection protocol, no one can hurt you all."

"I find that hard to believe," Sarah said. "I can't believe you guys are leaving us here!"

"You wanted to stop being treated like little kids and that's what I am doing," Morgan said.

"Ms. Stark, prepare for landing the jet has arrived." The girls all looked at each other and nodded, checking their suits one last time.

"Elliot, look at me. Stay on the plane." Morgan told her brother giving him a stern look.

"Make sure you come back. You promised to drive me around."

"Oh Elliot, I love you too." Morgan rolled her eyes.

"Hugh," Nicole said looking at her brother. "I'll be back."

"Please don't go," He said, tears forming in the young boy's eyes. "Don't leave Nic,"

"Hey. I will be back you hear? I'm going to be okay."

"You don't know that!" he cried out. "What if this is the last time I see you- what if-"

"Hey don't worry about the what-ifs. Worry about what we're going to watch Friday night. Okay? Me and you. Movie night like old times."

"I thought you said that was for babies?"

"I was wrong," she said. "Friday?"

"Friday." He nodded. The pair gave each other a nod before Nicole stood beside Willa. Willa hadn't spoken much lately. She's been quiet in the corner as if going through all the thoughts in her mind.

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